c++ - Deleting by Index? -

i created linked-list program using following source code,

#include <iostream>  using namespace std;  struct node {     int data;     node *next; };  struct headnode {     int count;     node *headptr; };  class linkedlist {     public:             linkedlist();             ~linkedlist();              void addtohead( int );             bool removefromhead();  //          bool addtotail ( int ); //          bool removefromtail();              void addnode ( int );             bool deletenode ( int );             void deleteallnodes();              bool isempty();             int getnoofnodes();              void displayallnodes();      private:         int datacmp ( int, int );         void displaynode ( node* );          headnode head; };  linkedlist::linkedlist() {     head.count = 0;     head.headptr = null;     return; }  linkedlist::~linkedlist() {     deleteallnodes();     return; }  void linkedlist::addtohead ( int newdata ) {     node *pnew = new node;     pnew -> data = newdata;     pnew -> next = head.headptr;     head.headptr = pnew;     head.count++; }  bool linkedlist::removefromhead() {     bool exit;     node *temp;      if ( head.headptr )     {         temp = head.headptr;         head.headptr = head.headptr -> next;         delete temp;         head.count--;         exit = true;        // returns true if it's successful     }     else         exit = false;       // returns false if it's not successful     return exit; }  /* bool linkedlist::addtotail( int ) {  } bool linked::removefromtail(); {  } */  void linkedlist::addnode ( int newdata ) {     node *pnew = new node,          *ppre = null,          *pcur = head.headptr;     pnew -> data = newdata;      while ( pcur && datacmp( pnew -> data, pcur -> data ) >= 0 )         {             ppre = pcur;             pcur = pcur -> next;         }      if ( ppre )     {         pnew -> next = ppre -> next;         ppre -> next = pnew;         head.count++;     }     else     {         pnew -> next = head.headptr;         head.headptr = pnew;         head.count++;     } }  bool linkedlist::deletenode( int data ) {     bool exit;     node *ppre = null,          *pcur = head.headptr;      while ( pcur && datacmp( pcur -> data, data ) < 0 )     {         ppre = pcur;         pcur = pcur -> next;     }      if ( pcur && datacmp( pcur -> data, data ) == 0 )     {         if ( ppre )         {             ppre -> next = pcur -> next;             delete pcur;             head.count--;             exit = true; // return true if successful         }         else         {             head.headptr = pcur -> next;             delete pcur;             head.count--;             exit = true; // return true if successful         }     }     else         exit = false; // return false if unsuccessful      return exit; }  void linkedlist::deleteallnodes() {     node *temp;      while ( head.headptr )     {         temp = head.headptr;         head.headptr = head.headptr -> next;         delete temp;         head.count--;     }      return; }  bool linkedlist::isempty() {     return head.count == 0; }   int linkedlist::getnoofnodes() {     return head.count; }  void linkedlist::displayallnodes() {     node *pcur = head.headptr;     int nodecount = 1;      while ( pcur )     {         cout << "node " << nodecount << ": ";         displaynode( pcur );         cout << endl;          nodecount++;         pcur = pcur -> next;     }      return; }  int linkedlist::datacmp( int value0, int value1 ) {     int exit = 0;      if ( value0 < value1 )         exit = -1;     else if ( value0 > value1 )         exit = 1;      return exit; }  void linkedlist::displaynode( node *node ) {     cout << node -> data;     return; }  void printmenu() {     cout << "1. add head" << endl;     cout << "2. remove head" << endl;     cout << "3. add node " << endl;     cout << "4. delete node" << endl;     cout << "5. delete nodes" << endl;     cout << "6. list empty?" << endl;     cout << "7. number of nodes" << endl;     cout << "8. display nodes" << endl;     cout << "9. quit" << endl; }  int getchoice() {     int choice;      cout << "select choice: ";     cin >> choice;     cin.clear();     cin.ignore( 200, '\n' );     return choice; }  int getdata() {     int data;      cout << "enter data: ";     cin >> data;     cin.clear();     cin.ignore( 200, '\n' );      return data; }  void processchoice( int choice, linkedlist& list ) {     int data;     bool opstatus;      switch ( choice )     {         case 1: data = getdata();             list.addtohead( data );             break;         case 2: if ( list.removefromhead() )             {                 cout << "removed node head" << endl;             }             else                 cerr << "list empty" << endl;             break;         case 3: data = getdata();             list.addnode( data );             cout << "node " << data                  << " added";             cout << endl;             break;         case 4: if ( !list.isempty() )             {                 data = getdata();                 if ( list.deletenode( data ) )                 {                     cout << "node " << data                          << " deleted";                     cout << endl;                 }                 else                     cerr << "node not found" << endl;             }             else                 cerr << "list empty" << endl;             break;         case 5: list.deleteallnodes();             cout << "all nodes deleted" << endl;             break;         case 6: cout << ( list.isempty() ?                        "list empty" : "list not empty" );             cout << endl;             break;         case 7: cout << "no. of nodes: "                  << list.getnoofnodes();             cout << endl;             break;         case 8: list.displayallnodes();             break;         default: cout << "invalid choice" << endl;     }  }  int main() {     linkedlist list;     int choice;         {         printmenu();         choice = getchoice();          if ( choice != 9 )             processchoice( choice, list );      } while ( choice != 9 );        return 0; } 

instead of deleting value, how can modify code can delete nodes index?

add deletenodebyindex function takes in index value, can perform same delete operation except delete item @ given index instead of testing value matches.


you're deleting node data, half way there. difference is, instead of iterating through each item , testing data value, counting how many items you've iterated through until reach index want remove.

bool linkedlist::deletenodebyindex( int index ) {     bool exit;     node *ppre = null,          *pcur = head.headptr;     int currentindex = 0;      while ( pcur )     {         // here loop until reach our desired index.         if (currentindex == index)         {             break;         }          // increment current index , pcur next item.         currentindex++;         ppre = pcur;         pcur = pcur -> next;     }      // if pcur still valid @ point, means broke @     // proper place , pcur should @ proper index.     if ( pcur )     {         if ( ppre )         {             ppre -> next = pcur -> next;             delete pcur;             head.count--;             exit = true; // return true if successful         }         else         {             head.headptr = pcur -> next;             delete pcur;             head.count--;             exit = true; // return true if successful         }     }     else         exit = false; // return false if unsuccessful      return exit; } 


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