sql server - Getting unique records for each group using sql -

i have sql log table 2 columns this:

registrantid   compnayid  creation date  1                1          ..... 1                1              2                1 3                1 1                2 2                2 2                2 3                2          ..... 

i have stored procedure brings first record based creation date. brings 1 record if 2 companies has same registrant id registrantid 1, being first row , not 5th row, , registrantid 2, bring row 3 not 6th. want row 1 , 5 registrantid 1 , 3rd , 6th registrantid 2, row 4 , 8 registrant id 3. here stored procedure.

alter procedure [dbo].[hr_actionlog_getlist]     @action int = null,     @datefrom datetime = null,     @dateto datetime = null,     @companyid int = null,     @registrantid int = null,     @vacancyid int = null,     @language int = 1 begin  cte  (     select al.*,         rv.forename,         rv.surname,         rv.username registrantusername,         e.forename employeeforename,         e.surname employeesurname,         u.username,         case             when @language = 2 c.namelang2             else c.namelang1         end companyname,         case             when @language = 2 v.jobtitlelang2             else v.jobtitlelang1         end jobtitle         , row_number() over(partition al.registrantid                        order actiondate asc) rn     dbo.hr_actionlog al left outer join dbo.registrantslistview rv on al.registrantid = rv.registrantid          left outer join dbo.hr_employees e on al.employeeid = e.employeeid         left outer join dbo.hr_users u on al.userid = u.userid         left outer join dbo.hr_companies c on al.companyid = c.companyid         left outer join dbo.hr_vacancies v on al.vacancyid = v.vacancyid         left outer join dbo.hr_companies vc on v.companyid = vc.companyid     (@action null or al.action = @action)         , (@datefrom null or dbo.dateonly(al.actiondate) >= dbo.dateonly(@datefrom))         , (@dateto null or dbo.dateonly(al.actiondate) <= dbo.dateonly(@dateto))         , (@companyid null or al.companyid = @companyid)         , (@registrantid null or al.registrantid = @registrantid)         , (@vacancyid null or al.vacancyid = @vacancyid)    --order al.actiondate desc     )      select *  cte rn = 1;  end 

please suggest how change stored procedure ?

you need partition both registrantid , companyid

row_number() over(partition al.registrantid, al.companyid                    order actiondate asc) 


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