ruby - Report/Reports on model in rails -

hi create model relations other once i'm surprised pluralize option of rails. mean.

i create model this:

rails g model report name:string.... 

like did with:

rails g model patient name:string... rails g model doctor name:string.... 

doctor has many patients can go console , type: => gives me doctor patient doctor.patients => gives me patients doctor (note patients in plural) 

and here strange thing, did same report , expect have command:

patient.reports (note plural) 

but instead of if want retrieve patient reports have do: (note singular)... , works! 

does can illuminate blindness?

the methods retrieve related object(s) depends on how you've declared in model.

some examples:

class patient < activerecord::base   belongs_to :doctor # singular end  class doctor < activerecord::base   has_many :patients # plural end 

then can do: # => return associated doctor if exists doctor.patients # => return patients of doctor if exist 

i think you've declared relation in singular:

# think have class patient < activerecord::base   has_many :report end 

but should use plural here:

# think should use class patient < activerecord::base   has_many :reports                   ^                   # make plural end 


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