xaml - How to set Enum to ItemsSource WPF -

how can set enum listbox in xaml. in listbox need display description not name/value of enum. , when click button need selected enum passed in method via icommand enum not string. example:

  public enum myenum    {      enumone = 0,      [description("enum one")]      enumtwo = 1,      [description("enum two")]      enumtwo = 2,      [description("enum three")]   } 

need bind these enums listbox displaymemberpath of description. , upon selection in listbox, pass in selected enum so:

  private void buttondidclick(myenum enum)   {    } 


  <listbox itemssource="{binding myenum"} /> ? 

and know how rest far wiring command button..etc.. help.

from production app
got off while ago , cannot find source
bind displaymememberpath value

public static dictionary<t, string> enumtodictionary<t>()     t : struct {     type enumtype = typeof(t);      // can't use generic type constraints on value types,     // have check     if (enumtype.basetype != typeof(enum))         throw new argumentexception("t must of type system.enum");     dictionary<t, string> enumdl = new dictionary<t, string>();     foreach (t val in enum.getvalues(enumtype))     {         enumdl.add(val, val.tostring());     }     return enumdl; } 

getdescription method

for want know how read description attribute value. following can converted use enum or extenstion. found implementation more flexible.

using method, replace val.tostring() getdescription(val).

    /// <summary>     /// returns value of 'description' attribute; otherwise, returns null.     /// </summary>     public static string getdescription(object value)     {         string sresult = null;          fieldinfo ofieldinfo = value.gettype().getfield(value.tostring());          if (ofieldinfo != null)         {             object[] ocustomattributes = ofieldinfo.getcustomattributes(typeof(descriptionattribute), true);              if ((ocustomattributes != null) && (ocustomattributes.length > 0))             {                 sresult = ((descriptionattribute)ocustomattributes[0]).description;             }         }         return sresult;     } 


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