c# - Session Getting Lossed after Hyperlink Clicked -

i have gridview gets hyperlink values table append navigateurl of hyperlink so

<asp:hyperlink id="linksection" runat="server" text='<%# eval("section") %>' navigateurl='<%# "http://localhost:50686/" + (string)eval("section") + ".aspx"%>'> 

everything seemed work great while debugging horror started once went deploy website. noticed iis uses inproc sessions not sure visual studios uses while debugging works great.

once go webconfig file , manually set session variables use inproc

<sessionstate mode="inproc"                   cookieless="true"                   regenerateexpiredsessionid="true"                   timeout="30" /> 

my application no longer works seems losing session value once click hyperlink. added logic redirect login page if session value null , funny part once click link , sends me login page, if log in works sometimes.

i setting session value so

session["loggedinuser"] = txtemail.text; 

and retrieve

 cmd.parameters["@emailacct"].value = session["loggedinuser"]; 

i not deploying server farm stick best performance method of session read inproc if possible.

looks while playing sessionstate mode have overlooked cookieless option. mode=inproc , cookieless=true, asp.net uses url store session id. if use absolute url, asp.net can't append sessionid. work around convert url relative url this:

navigateurl = response.applyapppathmodifier(yoururl); 

here discussion, may find helpful.


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