Grails / IntelliJ: trouble with simple groovy import? -

i'm following burt beckwith's (grails developer , author) use of heroku indicated here in grails book. (see import statement @ top of link -- that's what's giving me problems).

i added following buildconfig.groovy burt indicates:

  runtime 'postgresql:postgresql:8.4-702.jdbc3'  // in dependencies section described    compile ':heroku:1.0.1'  // in plugins section described. 

then intellij prompted me update ide buildconfig changes, did. exited , restarted intellij see if might rid of import error for:

 import grails.plugin.heroku.postgresqlserviceinfo 

it did not rid of import error, complains when addition of:

 postgresqlserviceinfo info = new postgresqlserviceinfo() 

in bootstrap class shown in example. doing wrong / how fix kind of stuff?

in idea need open tools | grails | plugins, select heroku plug-in , click apply changes.

this configure module plug-ins , add module dependencies of application.


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