c++ - Sharpening an Image - Accessing neighbor pixels -

please have @ following code

#include <iostream> #include <opencv2\core\core.hpp> #include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>  using namespace std; using namespace cv;  void sharpen(mat &,mat);  int main() {     mat image,result;      try     {         image = imread("c:/users/public/pictures/sample pictures/desert.jpg");          if(!image.data)         {             throw 1;         }     }     catch(int i)     {         cout << "image unable reae" << endl;     }      sharpen(image,result);     waitkey(0); }  void sharpen(mat &image,mat result) {     //result = image.clone();     result.create(image.size(), image.type());      //for rows except first , last     for(int i=1;i<image.rows-1;i++)     {         const uchar *previous = image.ptr<const uchar>(i-1);         const uchar *next = image.ptr<const uchar>(i+1);         const uchar *current = image.ptr<const uchar>(i);          uchar *output = result.ptr<uchar>(i);          //for columns except first , last         for(int a=1;a<image.cols-1;a++)         {             *output++ = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(5*current[a]-current[a-1]-current[a+1]-previous[a]-next[a]);         }      }      result.row(0).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.row(result.rows-1).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.col(0).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.col(result.cols-1).setto(cv::scalar(0));      namedwindow("original");     imshow("original",image);      namedwindow("duplicate");     imshow("duplicate",result); } 

in here, trying is, trying sharpen image. following formula image sharpening.

resultpixel = 5*currentpixel-previouspixel-nextpixel-upperpixel-belowpixel 

anyway, following output get

enter image description here

as can see, not getting expected result. doing wrong? please help!

your first issue there 3 bytes per pixel iterating on third of image. other issue cannot *output++ want skip first pixel. putting 2 things results in following code gives result looking for.

#include <iostream> #include <opencv2\core\core.hpp> #include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>  using namespace std; using namespace cv;  void sharpen(mat &image,mat& result) {     result.create(image.size(), image.type());      //for rows except first , last     for(int i=1;i<image.rows-1;i++)     {         const uchar *previous = image.ptr<const uchar>(i-1);         const uchar *next = image.ptr<const uchar>(i+1);         const uchar *current = image.ptr<const uchar>(i);          uchar *output = result.ptr<uchar>(i);          //for columns except first , last         for(int a=3;a<(image.cols-1)*3;a++)         {             output[a] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(5*current[a]-current[a-1]-current[a+1]-previous[a]-next[a]);         }      }      result.row(0).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.row(result.rows-1).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.col(0).setto(cv::scalar(0));     result.col(result.cols-1).setto(cv::scalar(0));      namedwindow("original");     imshow("original",image);      namedwindow("duplicate");     imshow("duplicate",result);  }  int main() {     mat image,result;      try     {         image = imread("c:/users/public/pictures/sample pictures/desert.jpg");          if(!image.data)         {             throw 1;         }     }     catch(int i)     {         cout << "image unable reae" << endl;     }      sharpen(image,result);     waitkey(0); } 


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