c++ - C# Equivalent for PtrToStringChars(String s) function present in vcclr.h -

i have native c++ function wish import c# project file.

the file vcclr.h , present in visual studio 9.0/vc/include folder. function ptrtostringchars(string s)

is there equivalent c# function can use in place of native c++ function?

also, if wish import function need specify name of dll contains file. how name of dll?

i can see c++ file containing function , there can see folder location (absolute , relative path).

you don't need method:

string str = "hello".substring(0, 2); // force not inline string                                       // same if inlined  gchandle h = gchandle.alloc(str, gchandletype.pinned); intptr ptr = h.addrofpinnedobject(); // address  // ch h // unchecked necessary (technically optional because it's default) // because marshal.readint16 reads signed int16, while char more similar // unsigned int16 char ch = unchecked((char)marshal.readint16(ptr)); 

or little unsafe code (see fixed statement):

fixed (char* ptr2 = str) {     char ch2 = *ptr2; } 

and if want exactly ptrtostringchars(...)? can't have it... it's defined directly in vcclr.h header inline function (in mine lines 37-39 comments, 40-48 code).


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