html5 - Webkit Validation Bubble behaves like it has fixed position on Chrome -

i have form, first input required:

<form>     <input type="text" required>     <input type="submit"> </form> 

users must scroll submit button:

input[type="submit"] {     margin-top: 150%; } 

if submit form, without filling in required field, viewport scroll top, , see html5 validation bubble.

if scroll down again the submit button is, validation bubble remains fixed in place. i'd expect disappear or move upwards field it's attached to.

this jsfiddle shows i'm talking about.

what's going on here? seen before? i'm seeing on latest versions of chrome , chromium. doesn't happen on ff because bubble disappears interact page.

it's same me in fx 23.0, document scrolls, bubble stays. guess because these elements not part of html document, rather overlays, , developers maybe didn't bother, forgot it, or it's bug.

in chrome it's bug, because in opera 15.x (based on chromium) it's working expected, bubble correctly moves document, , in current chrome canary build (31.0.1601.1) moves expected too, , once move out of frame, bubble fades away.


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