php - Check if path contain a string -

i want check if path contain string,

like, if path contain plugins return false, , if path contain themes return true.

d:\wamp\www\wp-content/plugins/someplugin/index.phtml // return false  d:\wamp\www\wp-content/themes/index.php // return true 

just because @dave chen asked :

so wp-plugins or wp-themes trigger? 

then, set exact match :

$themes = "/themes/"; $file01 = "d:\wamp\www\wp-content/themes/index.php";  $file02 = "d:\wamp\www\wp-content/wp-themes/index.php";  $is_theme = stripos($file01, $themes ); // returns true $is_theme = stripos($file02, $themes ); // returns false 


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