Error in implementing particle swarm optimization in power system using MATLAB -
i'm trying solution of economic load despatch using particle swarm optimization. i've written code during updating velocity , particle position in second iteration, not generate power value of generator adds 850. somehow algorithm isn't converging. please try run in matlab
clear clc %initialization c1 = 2.0, c2 = 2.0 wmax = 0.9, wmin = 0.4 count = 0,countv=0 p1min = 100,p1max = 600 p2min = 50,p2max = 200 p3min = 100,p3max = 400 v1min = -50, v1max = 300 v2min = -25, v2max = 100 v3min = -50, v3max = 200 pd = 850 counter=0 i=1:10000 sum1=0; if count<10 g(i-counter,1) = (p1max - p1min)*rand() + p1min g(i-counter,2) = (p2max - p2min)*rand() + p2min g(i-counter,3) = (p3max - p3min)*rand() + p3min sum1=round(g(i-counter,1)+g(i-counter,2)+g(i-counter,3)) if sum1==pd count=count+1; else g(i-counter,:)=[] counter=counter+1; end end end i=1:10 %cost function found f(i,1) = 0.0016*(g(i,1))^2+7.92*g(i,1)+561 + 0.0048*(g(i,2))^2+ 7.92*g(i,2) + 78 + 0.0019*(g(i,3))^2 + 7.85*g(i,3) + 310 end total1 = [f g] i=1:10 %intial velocity obtained v(i,1)= v1min + rand()*(v1max-v1min) v(i,2)= v2min + rand()*(v2max-v2min) v(i,3)= v3min + rand()*(v3max-v3min) countv = countv +1 if countv == 10 break end end ginti = 0 k=1:100 w=wmax - ((wmax-wmin)/100)*k %k final loop gbest=min(total1(:,:)) %pbest , gbest found pbest=total1(:,:) counter = 0 count = 0 %velocity updated i=1:100000 if count<10 vnew(i-counter,1) = w*v(i-counter,1) + c1*rand()*(pbest(i-counter,2)-g(i-counter,1)) + c2*rand()*(gbest(1,2)-g(i-counter,1)) vnew(i-counter,2) = w*v(i-counter,2) + c1*rand()*(pbest(i-counter,3)-g(i-counter,2)) + c2*rand()*(gbest(1,3)-g(i-counter,2)) vnew(i-counter,3) = w*v(i-counter,3) + c1*rand()*(pbest(i-counter,4)-g(i-counter,3)) + c2*rand()*(gbest(1,4)-g(i-counter,3)) gnew(i-counter,1) = g(i-counter,1) + vnew(i-counter,1) gnew(i-counter,2) = g(i-counter,2) + vnew(i-counter,2) gnew(i-counter,3) = g(i-counter,3) + vnew(i-counter,3) if gnew(i-counter,1)<=600 & gnew(i-counter,1)>=100 & gnew(i-counter,2)>=50 & gnew(i-counter,2)<=200& gnew(i-counter,3)>=100 & gnew(i-counter,3) <=400 & round(gnew(i-counter,1) + gnew(i-counter,2) + gnew(i-counter,3))==pd count = count + 1; else vnew(i-counter,:) = [] gnew(i-counter,:) = [] counter = counter+1; end end end i=1:10 % updated cost function found fnew(i,1) = 0.00156*(gnew(i,1))^2+7.92*gnew(i,1)+561 + 0.00194*(gnew(i,2))^2+ 7.85*gnew(i,2) + 310 + 0.00482*(gnew(i,3))^2 + 7.97*gnew(i,3) + 78 end total2 = [fnew gnew] % comparison of 2 tables i=1:10 if (total1(i,1)<=total2(i,1)) total3(i,:)= total1(i,:) else total3(i,:)= total2(i,:) end end total1=total3 g(:,1)=total3(:,1) g(:,2)=total3(:,2) g(:,3)=total3(:,3) ginti= ginti + 1 end
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