javascript - how to show $ sign in graph values in HTML web page -

i creating graph working fine want values shows above bar graphs should have $ values idea how add dollar sign values.

here image of graph want should show $17 , values comes. enter image description here

here html code

   <!doctype html>    <html>     <head>    <title>graph 2</title>    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>    <script type="text/javascript" src="graph_script.js"></script>    </head>    <body>    <div id="container" style="  height:285px; width:400px;float:left;margin:200px 0 0 335px; position:absolute;">     </div>       <script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function(){                var b;             b=17;     bb=17.60;             cc=21;             a=10;              var n=$;         var chart = new highcharts.chart({       chart: {      renderto: 'container',      defaultseriestype: 'column'        },         xaxis: {  categories: [''],       title: {          text: '',          style: {               color: '#767575'          }}  ,  labels: {              align: 'right',                style: {                  font: 'normal 11px verdana'              },              x: 34,          }          },  yaxis: {                      min: 0,                     startontick: false,      labels: {          formatter: function() {  return this.value + '%';              },          style: {             color: '#767575'          }       },       title: {          text: 'prevalence rate %',          style: {             color: '#767575'          }       }         },         plotoptions: {             column: {                 datalabels: {                     enabled: true                 }             }         },    series: [{              name: 'prevalence rate %',               data: [b]          }, {              name: 'prevalence rate %',              data: [bb]          },{              name: 'prevalence rate %',              data: [cc]          },{              name: 'prevalence rate %',              data: [a]          }]     });});      </script>     </form>    </body>    </html> 

and here link of graph_script.js

you can add formatter series so:

plotoptions: {             column: {                 datalabels: {                     enabled: true,                     formatter: function() {                         return '$' + this.y ;                                 }                 }             }         }, 

update : entire code should this;

<!doctype html> <html>      <head>         <title>graph 2</title>         <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript" src="graph_script.js"></script>     </head>     <body>         <div id="container" style="  height:285px; width:400px;float:left;margin:200px 0 0 335px; position:absolute;"></div>          <script type="text/javascript">              $(document).ready(function(){                var b;             b=17;             bb=17.60;             cc=21;             a=10;              var n=$;             var chart = new highcharts.chart(             {              chart: {                 renderto: 'container',                 defaultseriestype: 'column'             },             xaxis: {             categories: [''],             title: {                 text: '',                 style: {                    color: '#767575'                 }},             labels: {                     align: 'right',                     style: {                         font: 'normal 11px verdana'                     },                     x: 34,                 }},             yaxis: {                     min: 0,                     startontick: false,             labels: {                 formatter: function() {                     return this.value + '%';                         },             style: {                color: '#767575'             }},             title: {                 text: 'prevalence rate %',                 style: {                     color: '#767575'                 }}},             plotoptions: {                 column: {                     datalabels: {                         enabled: true,                         formatter: function() {                             return '$' + this.y ;                                     }                     }                 }             },             series: [                         {name: 'prevalence rate %', data: [b]},                          {name: 'prevalence rate %', data: [bb]},                          {name: 'prevalence rate %', data: [cc]},                         {name: 'prevalence rate %', data: [a]}                     ]                 });             });          </script>     </body> </html> 


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