wordpress - Cant' Display Custom Post Type Title Base on Taxonomy Terms -

trying list custom post type titles based on filtered custom taxonomy terms getting list of post titles instead of getting list of queried post. here code using:

<?php      $loop = new wp_query(                   array(                     'post_type' => 'photos',                     'technique' => 'zevar',                     'post_child' => 0,                     'posts_per_page' => 10                   )              );  ?> <?php      while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();  ?> <?php the_title(); ?>  <?php endwhile; ?> 

as can see have custom post type called "photos" , custom taxonomy registered "technique". under taxonomy "technique" have terms 1 of them "zevar". can please let me know doing wrong here?

your taxonomy query not correct. check following code.

<?php      $loop = new wp_query(                   array(                     'post_type' => 'photos',                     'tax_query' => array(                         array(                             'taxonomy' => 'technique',                             'field' => 'slug',                             'terms' => 'zevar'                         )                     ),                      'posts_per_page' => 10                   )              );  ?> <?php      while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();  ?> <?php the_title(); ?>  <?php endwhile; ?> 

reference on how use taxonomy parameter https://codex.wordpress.org/class_reference/wp_query#taxonomy_parameters


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