angularjs - Angular.js configuring ui-router child-states from multiple modules -

i'd implement setup can define "root state" in main module, , add child states in other modules. this, because need root state resolve before can go child state.

apparently, should possible according faq: how to: configure ui-router multiple modules

for me doesn't work: error uncaught error: no such state 'app'

here have:


angular.module( 'ngboilerplate', [   'templates-app',   'templates-common',   'ui.state',   'ui.route',   'ui.bootstrap',   'ngboilerplate.library' ]) .config( function myappconfig ( $stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider ) {     $stateprovider         .state('app', {             views:{                 "main":{                     controller:"appctrl"                 }             },             resolve:{                 auth:function(auth){                     return new auth();                 }             }         });     $urlrouterprovider.when('/foo','/foo/tile');     $urlrouterprovider.otherwise( '/foo' ); }) .factory('auth', ['$timeout','$q', function ($timeout,$q) {     return function () {         var deferred = $q.defer();         console.log('before resolve');         $timeout(function () {             console.log('at resolve');             deferred.resolve();         }, 2000);          return deferred.promise;      }; }]) .run(function run( $rootscope, $state, $stateparams ) {     console.log('greetings run');      $state.transitionto('app'); }) .controller( 'appctrl', function appctrl ( $scope, auth ) {     console.log('greetings appctrl'); }); 


angular.module( '', ['ui.state'])  .config(function config( $stateprovider ) {   $stateprovider       .state( '', {         url: '/foo/:type',         views: {             "main": {                 controller:'fooctrl',                 templateurl: function(stateparams) { /* stuff going on in here*/ }             }         }       }); }) .controller( 'fooctrl', function fooctrl( $scope ) {   console.log('deferred foo'); }); 

how make work or other approaches take have global resolved before every state (without defining resolve on each state)?

i chose approach job me:

// add dependencies here , configure root state e.g. "app" angular.module( 'ngboilerplate', ['ui.router','templates-app', 'templates-common','etc','etc']);  // configure child states in here, such, etc. angular.module( '', ['ngboilerplate']); angular.module( '', ['ngboilerplate']);  // tie have static module name // can used ng-app. module doesn't more that. angular.module( 'app', ['','']); 

and in app index.html

<html ng-app="app"> 


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