jquery - Uploadify: How to remove uploaded items from queue -

i'm trying uploadify clear upload queue delete uploaded files. problem this. if upload 5 files (with uploadlimit of 5 set), upload first time. if clear queue using this:

<a class="button" href="javascript:jquery('#attachment').uploadify('cancel', '*');">clear upload queue</a>

it removes files visually screen, still can't uploaded more files. tried using:

jquery('#attachment').uploadify('settings', 'uploadlimit', 5) in onqueueclear doesn't reset uploadlimit. how can reset uploadlimit after queue has been cleared? here code:

jquery('#attachment').uploadify({     swf: '/javascript/uploadify/uploadify.swf',     uploader: '/javascript/uploadify/uploadify.php',     uploadfolder: 'temp',     uploadtime: upload_time,     uploadtoken: upload_token,     cancelimage: '/javascript/uploadify/cancel.png',     filetypeexts: '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.jpg',     filetypedesc: 'allowed files',     auto: true,     multi: true,     removecompleted: false,     simuploadlimit: 1,     filesizelimit: '3mb',     allowedfiles: '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.jpg',     // allowedfiles:    '*.cdt;*.con;*.doc;*.docx;*.dxd;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.key;*.lab;*.mov;*.mp4;*.m4v;*.pdf;*.png;*.pps;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.rst;*.txt;*.wmv;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.zip',     uploadlimit: 5,     width: 210,     height: 40,     buttontext: 'click add 5 attachments',     buttonimage: '/images/content/mail/add-attachments.png',     onuploadstart: function (file) {         jquery('.submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');          if (parseint($.cookie('size')) > 0) {             $.cookie('size', parseint($.cookie('size')) + file.size);         } else {             $.cookie('size', file.size);         }          if (parseint($.cookie('size')) > 30000000) {             alert('you have exceeded maximum queue size.  please delete 1 or more files upload.  can clear queue clicking button below.');             jquery('#attachment').uploadify('cancel', '*');         }     },     onuploadsuccess: function (file, data, response) {         jquery('.submit').removeattr('disabled');          try {             obj = jquery.parsejson(data);             if (obj.success) {                 jquery('#' + file.id).append('<input type="hidden" name="temp_image_path[]" value="' + obj.file.name + '" /><input type="hidden" name="original_name[]" value="' + obj.file.original_name + '" />');             }         } catch (e) {             // nothing         }       },     onuploaderror: function (file, errorcode, errormsg, errorstring) {         alert('the file ' + file.name + ' not uploaded: ' + errorstring);     },     onqueuecomplete: function () {         jquery('.submit').removeattr('disabled');     },     onclearqueue: function (queueitemcount) {         //jquery('.submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');         var file = (queueitemcount == 1) ? 'file has' : 'files have';         alert(queueitemcount + ' ' + file + ' been removed upload queue.  have no files pending upload.');         $.cookie('size', 0);         jquery('#attachment').uploadify('settings', 'uploadlimit', 5);     },     formdata: {         'filetypes': '*.jpg; *.gif; *.png; *.jpeg; *.doc; *.docx; *.zip; *.pdf; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.jpg',             'folder': 'temp',             'time': upload_time,             'token': upload_token     } }); 

i failed find out-of-the-box solution too.the cancel method affects not yet uploaded files.

i suggest can have custom handler deleting uploaded file (or files). somewhere near unlink call. , can - not reset uploadlimit 5 increase uploadlimit removed files count.

but uploadify object still have information uploaded files - means if user try load same files warning message duplicate files. can clear collection:

var files = $('#attachment').data('uploadify').queuedata.files = []; (var member in files) delete files[member]; 

it may not correct use code can extend plugin.


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