ruby on rails - Sunspot ActiveRecord save doesn't reindex? -

i new sunspot, based on wiki

"if using rails, objects automatically indexed solr part of save callbacks." 

but doesn't work me when calling save on object, had manually run object.reindex able find record in search result. missing something?


console log

sql (0.6ms)  insert "toons" ("author", "created_at", "flag_id", "icon_s3_path", "json", "name", "state", "toon_type", "updated_at", "user_id", "uuid", "view_count") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12) returning "id"  [["author", "2333333"], ["created_at", thu, 15 aug 2013 22:49:40 utc +00:00], ["flag_id", nil], ["icon_s3_path", nil], ["json", "[json]"], ["name", "2222222"], ["state", "created"], ["toon_type", "animation"], ["updated_at", thu, 15 aug 2013 22:49:40 utc +00:00], ["user_id", 2], ["uuid", "2111112222"], ["view_count", nil]]  solr request (25.6ms)  [ path=#<rsolr::client:0x007fc37bb71920> parameters={data: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><add><doc><field name="id">toon 21</field><field name="type">toon</field><field name="type">activerecord::base</field><field name="class_name">toon</field><field name="created_at_d">2013-08-15t22:49:40z</field><field name="name_text">2222222</field><field name="author_text">2333333</field></doc></add>, headers: {"content-type"=>"text/xml"}, method: post, params: {:wt=>:ruby}, query: wt=ruby, path: update, uri: http://localhost:8982/solr/update?wt=ruby, open_timeout: , read_timeout: , retry_503: , retry_after_limit: } ]  solr request (2.9ms)  [ path=#<rsolr::client:0x007fc37bb71920> parameters={data: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><add><doc><field name="id">toon 21</field><field name="type">toon</field><field name="type">activerecord::base</field><field name="class_name">toon</field><field name="created_at_d">2013-08-15t22:49:40z</field><field name="name_text">2222222</field><field name="author_text">2333333</field></doc></add>, headers: {"content-type"=>"text/xml"}, method: post, params: {:wt=>:ruby}, query: wt=ruby, path: update, uri: http://localhost:8982/solr/update?wt=ruby, open_timeout: , read_timeout: , retry_503: , retry_after_limit: } ]  (7.5ms)  commit 

fixed adding auto commit solrconfig.xml

<autocommit>    <maxdocs>10000</maxdocs>   <maxtime>20000</maxtime> </autocommit> 


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