Android Twitter tweet Default Dialog? -

hi every 1 possible display default twitter tweet dialog in our application !

enter image description here

is possible in case possible how implement dialog?

note: i'm login twitter account in of application no need log in again want click button dialog display how one?

is looking ?

intent tweetintent = new intent(); tweetintent.settype("text/plain"); tweetintent.putextra(intent.extra_text, "---place default text here---"); final packagemanager packagemanager = getactivity().getpackagemanager(); list<resolveinfo> list = packagemanager.queryintentactivities(tweetintent, packagemanager.match_default_only);  (resolveinfo resolveinfo : list) {         string p = resolveinfo.activityinfo.packagename;     if (p != null && p.startswith("")) {//if native twitter app found         tweetintent.setpackage(p);         startactivity(tweetintent);     } } 


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