angularjs - Access a service from inside a directive's compile -

i having hard time access service inside directive. define service via $http , $q, , inject directive. can;t directive access service.


'use strict'; var app = angular.module('', []);  app.factory('classification', function($http,$q) {     return {         query: function getall() {             var deferred = $q.defer();             $http.get('index.php/classifications').then(function(classi) {                  deferred.resolve(;             }, function getwebsiteserror(reason) {                 deferred.reject(reason);             });             return deferred.promise;         }     }; }); 


'use strict';  /* app module */ var app = angular.module('app', ['app.controllers', '', 'app.directives',  'ui']);  app.config(['$routeprovider', function($routeprovider) {   $routeprovider.       when('/', {templateurl: 'partials/welcome.html'}).       when('/websites/:websiteid', {templateurl: 'partials/website/details.html',     controller: 'websitedetailsctrl'}).       otherwise({redirectto: '/'}); }]); 

and directive.js :

'use strict'; var app = angular.module('app.directives', ['']);  app.directive("regionselect",['classification', '$compile', function($compile, classification){     classification.query();<-- throw exception : has no method query()     return{         restrict : "e",         templateurl : "/js/directives/locationselect3.html",         transclude: true,         compile: function (telement, tattr, transclude){             var loaded = false;                         }     }; }]); 

any idea doing wrong?

could ordering?

app.directive("regionselect",['classification', '$compile', function($compile, classification){ 

you declare

['classification', '$compile', 

but the function says

function($compile, classification){ 

which backwards.


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