javascript - Clicking on a link first time doesn't trigger jQuery, but clicking on it again triggers it twice -

so, i'm having bit of issue. have links when clicked run function in jquery, however, first time click link nothing happens. if click again, function runs twice, if click third time, runs 3 times off of click.

here jquery code

function updateentrystatus() {     var anime_id = <?php echo $anime_id; ?>;     var anime_list_entry_id = <?php echo $anime_list_entry_id; ?>;          jquery('.wantedstatus').on('click', function(event)         {                     var wantedstatus = jquery(this).text();        "/wp-content/themes/sahifa/phanime_list/updatestatus_animelist.php", {firstparam : anime_id, secondparam : anime_list_entry_id, thirdparam : wantedstatus}, function(data) {                 //this response data serv                 console.log(data);                                 jquery('#anime_list_update').html(data);              });             return false;         });     } 

and here couple of links

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="updateentrystatus();" class="wantedstatus">watching</a> |   <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="updateentrystatus();" class="wantedstatus">plan watch</a> |   <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="updateentrystatus();" class="wantedstatus">on hold</a> |   <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="updateentrystatus();" class="wantedstatus">dropped</a> 


click 1: nothing happens

click 2: function runs twice.

click 3: function runs 3 times / in total runs 5 times.

click 4: function runs 4 times / in total run 9 times , on...

i assuming it's way i've setup click within function.

simply take

                    jquery('.wantedstatus').on('click', function(event)                     {                         var wantedstatus = jquery(this).text();                    "/wp-content/themes/sahifa/phanime_list/updatestatus_animelist.php", {firstparam : anime_id, secondparam : anime_list_entry_id, thirdparam : wantedstatus}, function(data) {                                 //this response data serv                             console.log(data);                             jquery('#anime_list_update').html(data);                          });                             return false;                     });                 } 

part out of updateentrystatus() function.


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