c - ORA-24811:While writing into a LOB, less data was provided than indicated -

when ever run pro*c code insert large buffer table using clob.

ora-24811:while writing lob, less data provided indicated.

code below

ocicloblocator *lob;   ...   exec sql insert tab (msg,status ,error_desc ,access_date   )          values   (empty_clob(),:status,:error_desc,:sys_date_time);       /* allocate , initialize locator: */   exec sql allocate :lob;   printf("clob allocated\n");   exec sql select msg :lob         tab status = :status update;    /***opening clob***/   exec sql lob open :lob read write;   /*** writing clob ***/   printf("messlen:%d, actual string length:%d\n",messlen,strlen(buffer));   exec sql lob write 1 :messlen :buffer :lob;   sys_check_sql_error   


    clob allocated       messlen:6348, actual string length:6348       ***** error sqlca=|-24811|***** 

buffer has large xml file. can explain i'm missing?


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