An easy way to program an Android keyboard layout app -

i program android app replaces standard keyboard 1 one-hand optimized coffee++ keyboard layout.

what special problems have face in progress? guess such project go deep android core, cause keyboard such essential thing.

is wise start android developer tools (adt)—eclipse plugin described in this tutorial?

or there better way achieve goal?

i new android programming, firm in php, mysql , javascript , use eclipse php

i guess such project go deep android core, cause keyboard such essential thing.

no. can create inputmethodservice implementation of keyboard. there sample soft keyboard in android sdk installation (if chose download sample code sdk manager), , there open source input methods floating around well, such hacker's keyboard. inputmethodservice distributed part of ordinary android application, , user can elect activate input method if user chooses.

is wise start android developer tools (adt)—eclipse plugin described in tutorial?

that fine starting point. recommend spend time learning java, developing ordinary android apps, feel how android works.

when ready work on inputmethodservice itself, the documentation can guide you, , welcome return here more specific questions. however, bear in mind writing soft keyboard not common, , support resources may bit lacking.


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