c++ - Can't include header file -

i need include header files sqlite3x library (or sqlite) in project. i've created new project in qt creator , added following lines in .pro-file:

includepath += $$quote(d:/libs/libsqlite3x-2007.10.18) includepath += $$quote(d:/libs/sqlite-amalgamation-3071502)

then i've tried include

#include <sqlite3x.hpp> 

and compile.

cannot open include file: 'sqlite3.h': no such file or directory


if write

#include <sqlite3.h> 

i've got same error.

when write preprocessing directive, qt creator gives me autocompletion , if press f2 on line it'll open file.

http://pastie.org/7670341 http://pastie.org/7670574

you need

includepath += $$quote(d:/libs/libsqlite3x-2007.10.18) $$quote(d:/libs/sqlite-amalgamation-3071502) 

if see http://pastie.org/7670574 these include directives

-i"d:\libs\libsqlite3x-2007.10.18" -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include" -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\qtwidgets" -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\qtsql" -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\qtgui" -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\qtcore" -i"release" -i"." -i"." -i"d:\libs\qt\qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010"

if - don't see d:/libs/sqlite-amalgamation-3071502. build tool not picking directory & adding includepath because picks 1 includepath line - both same includepath line space separating them.


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