Perl Hash of Hashes Storing References To Within - Can't use string ("") as a HASH ref -
alright have function generates hash tree dumper prints out this:
$var1 = { 'shaders' => { 'stock_gui.vert' => '', 'stock_font.vert' => '', 'stock_gui.frag' => '', 'stock_font.frag' => '' }, 'textures' => {}, 'fonts' => { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '', 'small' => { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '' } } };
now trying dfs iterate example fonts sub tree:
push (@stack, \%{$myhash->{'fonts'}});
then in loop:
my $tmphash = pop(@stack);
then dumper of $tmphash shows:
$var1 = { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '', 'small' => { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '' } };
the problem trying access children of hash reference. can count keys , see children. dumper output looks okay. trying like:
foreach $childkey ( keys $tmphash ){ $subchildrencount = scalar keys(%{$tmphash->{$childkey}}); }
yields error:
can't use string ("") hash ref while "strict refs" in use
i think because $tmphash hash reference. need dereference somewhere. i've tried many things , yields further issues. appreciated.
if try:
then works fine.
- if string contains '.' error occurs. hard coding 'small' works. hard coding 'stock_gui.vert' fails unless escape '.'. keys not match if escape dot...
as can see running yourself,
use strict; use warnings; $tmphash = { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '', 'small' => { 'droidsansmono.ttf' => '' } }; $subchildrencount = scalar keys(%{$tmphash->{'small'}});
the code gives error not give error. suspect doing
my $subchildrencount = scalar keys(%{$tmphash->{'droidsansmono.ttf'}});
your hash format doesn't make sense. mixes field names , actual data keys.
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