mysql - How do I set auto increment field values to higher numbers? -

i have column called num in sql have auto incremented 1. know can start sequence value using:

alter table [mydatabase].[dbo].[mytable] auto_increment=500 

now of records there. possible increase num values? without deleting records?

you can't update identity column can move data location, delete original data set identity_insert on , move data updated incrimentor.

set nocount on  -- create table test create table #mytable ( id int identity(1,1), data int )  insert #mytable ( data ) values ( 10 ) insert #mytable ( data ) values ( 20 ) insert #mytable ( data ) values ( 30 )  -- store data in temp location select * #templocation #mytable  -- delete original data delete #mytable  -- insert updated id set identity_insert #mytable on insert #mytable ( id, data ) select id + 500, data #templocation  set identity_insert #mytable off 


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