- Issue with legend coloring in an RDLC -

i'm working on report using business object data set. business object simple has 3 fields (colorname, colorcode, date). i'm making bar chart using year date category, colorname series field, , count of colorname "data" (the top area in designer) field. graph show each year along bottom series bars of colors. in "series properties" have fill set colorcode , color code values html color codes including pound sign. bar graph working perfectly. bars correct colors. legend inconsistent. current graph has 5 colors , 3 of them showing correct color in legend swatch. 2 of them black shouldn't be. if change color code colorname graph updates correctly swatch still black. have graph pie chart doing same thing legend works correctly in one. have idea can resolve legend color issue?

it looks if year had no series values legend not work correctly. , seems happen when add series report. solution update query return counts instead of rows; including 0 counts series had no records. way every series/category group had it's own record in data set.


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