java - Musical notes in 4 octaves -

so i'm looking musical notes @ least few different instruments (like piano) can download sound files. after researching, i've found notes 2 octaves. there way adjust sound of note in java make sound octave (or 3) higher? or, more simply, there place can go find notes 4 octaves?

  1. java docs midi
  2. examples of code
  3. tutorials oracle

the above documentation should helpful in helping flesh out start on working java.sound.midi import. useful tool easy use , shouldn't take long begin understand. hope helpful.

midi imports have many notes , many instruments @ user's disposal , should effective in accomplishing described in question.

update: found several questions having midi formats on site may provide additional useful references. here one: so midi question. 1 has tuning notes using java.sound.midi import.

i found useful link, think, has audio synthesis , has great working code in it. here is: another example.


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