c# - The resource could not be found HttpGet -

i trying data website, trying localhost first. request fails. changing post works fine.

error: resource cannot found. 

controller action:

[httpget()]         public actionresult getinformation(string id)         {             uri uri = new uri("http://localhost:65076/showdetails?id=" + id);             httpwebrequest request = (system.net.httpwebrequest)system.net.webrequest.create(uri);              request.method = webrequestmethods.http.get;             httpwebresponse response = (system.net.httpwebresponse)request.getresponse();             streamreader reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream());             string tmp = reader.readtoend();             response.close();              return json(new { data = tmp });         } 

javascript function:

function getinformation() {     var link = '/home/getinformation';     var id = '11111';     $.ajax({         type: 'get',         url: link,         data: { id: id },         datatype: 'json',         success: function (result) {             $.each(result.data, function (item, value) {                 ...             });         },         error: function (result) {                ...         }     }); }; 

since get, pass in data in querystring:

function getinformation() {     var link = '/home/getinformation?id=11111';     $.ajax({         type: 'get',         url: link,         datatype: 'json',         success: function (result) {             $.each(result.data, function (item, value) {                 ...             });         },         error: function (result) {                ...         }     }); }; 


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