c# - returning Boolean values -

i have piece of code converted c#.

bool checkvalue() { unsigned char ucvalue; method(&ucvalue); return ucvalue? false:true; } 

the method() has definition :

this function returns current position . 0 = off 1 = on 

so didn't return ucvalue? false:true; means.


this ternary-operator, can "translate" expression 1:1 c#. same like

if(ucvalue)    return false; return true; 

from msdn c#:

the conditional operator (?:) returns 1 of 2 values depending on value of boolean expression. following syntax conditional operator.

condition ? first_expression : second_expression; 

from here c++:

you can exchange simple if-else code single operator – conditional operator. conditional operator c++ ternary operator (working on 3 values). other operators have seen called binary operators (working on 2 values).


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