javascript - jQuery mobile: links have improper format on first load? -

i'm learning jqm , backbone.js , have few problems. im making recipe app following todo list example trying blend them both.

anyway can't refresh page besides first one, i'm getting undefined variables. believe has dom , many views have. secondly upon entering recipe search query api, displays results first plain links!

if got forward page or page , return results page display links should jqm style. because couldn't figure how or append in js, did in html.

i know long shot can give me guidance hell i'm doing wrong, general advice, anything?

    var todo = backbone.model.extend({     defaults: function() {       return {     id: 0,     title: 'defaultname',     imgurl: 'defaultimageurl',         order: searchtemp.nextorder(),         rating: 0,         timetomake: '',         salty: 0,         sour: 0,         sweet: 0,         bitter: 0,           isperm: false,     taggedforlist: false       };     },           initialize: function(){       if( !this.get('ingrs') ){          this.set({ingrs: new array()});       }     },     savemodel: function() {     this.set({isperm: true});;     } });  var todolist = backbone.collection.extend({   model: todo,   localstorage: new backbone.localstorage("searchtemp"),   initialize: function() {   },   nextorder: function() {     if (!this.length) return 1;     return this.last().get('order') + 1;   },   comparator: 'order',   taggedforlist: function() {       return this.where({taggedforlist: true});   },   remaining: function() {       return this.without.apply(this, this.taggedforlist);   },    findrecipes: function(thequery) {     console.log("findrecipes called");     searchtemp.each(function (model) {     if (!model.isperm) {         model.destroy();     }     });     $.ajax({       url: ''+thequery,       datatype: 'jsonp',       success: function(apistuff){     var result = new array();          result = apistuff;          //saves api's response new array         result = result.matches;    //trims information json object, has information on various recipes      $.each(result, function(i, item) {       var anotherrecipe= new todo();    // makes new model each result        anotherrecipe.set({         id: result[i].id,            //then sets attributes         title: result[i].recipename,             ingrs: result[i].ingredients,         imgurl: result[i].smallimageurls,             rating: result[i].rating,             timetomake: result[i].totaltimeinseconds,           });           //not recipes support flavor ratings, error catching must used avoid setting null values           try { anotherrecipe.set({ salty : result[i].flavors.salty }); } catch(e) {anotherrecipe.set({salty : "?"});}  //maybe replace error condition setting flavor '?'           try { anotherrecipe.set({ sour: result[i].flavors.sour }); } catch(e) {anotherrecipe.set({sour : "?"});}           try { anotherrecipe.set({ sweet: result[i].flavors.sweet }); } catch(e) {anotherrecipe.set({sweet : "?"});}           try { anotherrecipe.set({ bitter: result[i].flavors.bitter }); } catch(e) {anotherrecipe.set({bitter : "?"});}        searchtemp.add(anotherrecipe);    //adds model temporary          });       }  //eventually, should add checks empty search result, appending warning if happens     });     // console.log("search done");   }   });   var shopitem = backbone.model.extend({     defaults: function() {         return {             ingr : 'ingredient',             done : false         }     },     toggle: function() {{taggedforlist: !this.get("taggedforlist")});      } });  var shoplist = backbone.collection.extend({     localstorage: new backbone.localstorage("grocery-list"),     generate: function() {     console.log("shop list!  asssssemmmmblllllle!");     searchtemp.fetch();     var ingrlist = searchtemp.pluck('ingrs');  //this returns array of arrays     console.log(ingrlist);     ingrlist = _.union(ingrlist);   //this needs series of arrays ( _.union(array1, array 2); )     console.log(ingrlist);     },      getlist: function() {         var list = new array();         list = this.tojson();         return list;     } });  var todos = new todolist;   //i afraid move this, 95% sure obsolete, though /* var savedrecipesview = backbone.view.extend({     tagname:  "li",     initialize: function() {         this.render();         this.listento(this.model, 'change', this.render);         this.listento(this.model, 'destroy', this.remove);     },     render: function() {         var template = _.template( $("#list_item").html(), {} );         this.$el.html( template );          //this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.tojson()));         //this.$el.toggleclass('done', this.model.get('done'));         //this.input = this.$('.edit');         //return this;      },     events: {         "click input[type=button]": "sendtogroceries"     },     sendtogroceries: function() {         var temp = new array();         temp = this.tojson();         $.each(temp, function(i, item) {             var shopitem = new shopitem();                 shopitem.set({ name: temp[i].title });             shoppinglist.add(shopitem); //use pluck [ingrs]   ;         });         } }); */ window.homeview = backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#home').html()),      render:function (eventname) {         $(this.el).html(this.template());         return this;     } });  window.newsearchview = backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#newsearch').html()),     //this vaguely works, causes visual chaos first run through,     //still relies on appending     initialize: function() {         console.log(searchtemp);         //searchtemp.bind('searchdone', this.render, this);         searchtemp.bind('add', this.render, this);     },     render:function (eventname) {          var temp = new array();  // think line isnt doing anyting         results = searchtemp.tojson();         // console.log(results);         var variables = {             recipes: results         };         $(this.el).html(this.template());         return this;     },     events: {       "keypress #recipe-search":  "searchonenter",       //add listener newsearch change what's displaye don list     },     searchonenter: function(e) {   //the search bar's functionality       if (e.keycode != 13) return;       var searchin = $("input[id='recipe-search']").val();        console.log("searched - "+ searchin);       //this function in todolist, api call ,       //adds new model each result (there 5 results)       searchtemp.findrecipes(searchin);      } });  window.newlistview = backbone.view.extend({     template : _.template($('#newlist').html()),     initialize: function() {     },     render:function (eventname) {         recipe = this.model.tojson(); ///incomplete, modify newlist accept straight json     var variables = {             recipe_name : this.model.get("title"),             img_url : this.model.get("imgurl"),             timetomake: this.model.get("timetomake"),             ingrs : this.model.get("ingrs"),             rating : this.model.get("rating"),             salty : this.model.get("salty"),             sour : this.model.get("sour"),             sweet : this.model.get("sweet"),             bitter : this.model.get("bitter")         };         $(this.el).html(this.template(variables));         return this;     },     events: {       "click #save-this":  "savemodel"     },     savemodel: function() {     console.log("savemodel() called");     //console.log(permstorage.taggedforlist());         //shift model on permstorage         //searchtemp.remove(this.model);         //console.log(this.model);         this.model.savemodel();     //console.log(this.model)         //now save permstorage local storage         searchtemp.each(function (model) {         if(model.isperm) {;         }     });     } });  window.savedrecipesview = backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#savedrecipes').html()),     initialize: function() {     console.log("about fetch local storage...");     searchtemp.fetch();     console.log("...fetched!");     },     render:function (data) {             results = searchtemp.tojson();     //results = results.models;     //console.log(results);         var variables = {             results: results         };     _.each(data, function(task) {             console.log("meow");             this.addone(task);         }, this);     $(this.el).html(this.template(variables));         return this;     },     addone: function(task) {         var view = new listitemview({ model:task });         $(this.el).append( view.render().el );     } });  window.listitemview = backbone.view.extend({     tagname: 'li',     template:_.template($('#list-item').html()),     initialize: function() {         _.bindall(this, 'render');         this.model.bind('change', this.render);         this.model.view = this;     },     events: {         "click input[type=button]" : "onclick"     },     render: function() {         $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.tojson()));         this.setcontent();         return this;     },     onclick: function(){         searchtemp.add(this.model);         console.log("model added searchtemp, current state of searchtemp:");         console.log(searchtemp);     } });  window.oldlistview = backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#oldlist').html()),      render: function (eventname) {         $(this.el).html(this.template());         return this;     } });      window.deleteoldview =  backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#deleteold').html()),      render: function (eventname) {         $(this.el).html(this.template());         return this;     } });  window.shoppinglistview = backbone.view.extend({     template:_.template($('#shoppinglist').html()),     initialize: function() {     shoplist.generate();     },      render: function (eventname) {     var variables = {       };     $(this.el).html(this.template(variables));     return this;     }  });  var approuter = backbone.router.extend({     routes:{         "":"home",         "newsearch":"newsearch",         "newlist/:id":"newlist",         "savedrecipes":"savedrecipes",         "oldlist":"oldlist",     "deleteold":"deleteold",     "shoppinglist":"shoppinglist"     },     initialize:function () {         // handle button throughout application         $('.back').live('click', function(event) {             window.history.back();             return false;         });         this.firstpage = true;     },     home:function () {         this.changepage(new homeview());     },     newsearch:function () {         this.changepage(new newsearchview());     },     newlist:function (theid) {         var tempmodel = searchtemp.get(theid);         this.changepage(new newlistview({             model: tempmodel,             id: theid         }));         //console.log(permstorage.taggedforlist());     },     savedrecipes:function () {           this.changepage(new savedrecipesview());           },     oldlist:function () {         this.changepage(new oldlistview());     },     deleteold:function () {         this.changepage(new deleteoldview());     },     shoppinglist:function () {     this.changepage(new shoppinglistview());     },     changepage:function (page) {         $(page.el).attr('data-role', 'page');         page.render();         $('body').append($(page.el));         var transition = $.mobile.defaultpagetransition;         // don't want slide first page         if (this.firstpage) {             transition = 'none';             this.firstpage = false;         }         $.mobile.changepage($(page.el), {changehash:false, transition: transition});     }  });  $(document).ready(function () {     console.log('document ready');     app = new approuter();     backbone.history.start();     searchtemp = new todolist(); //this stores searched recipes, rename myrecipes     shoplist = new shoplist(); });     <!doctype html> <html class="ui-mobile-rendering"> <head>     <title>recilist</title>     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/"/>      <!-- templates -->     <script type="text/template" id="home">            <div data-role="header"  >             <h1 style="color:black">recilist home</h1>                 </div>                  <img src="store.jpg" id="vege">          <div data-role="content" style="color:red">             <!-- <h3>recilist home page</h3>                  <p>welcome recilist!</p>                 <p>this home page. </p>                 -->             <h1>save recipes & <br/>             create shopping <br/>              lists anywhere</h1>             <p class="blurb">create , manage grocery shopping list, find , <br/>save favorite recipes across web,<br/> great savings , share entire family - freeee!!!!</p>               <ul data-role="listview" id="choices" data-inset="true">                 <li><a style="color:red" href="#newsearch">search new recipes</a></li>                 <li><a style="color:red" href="#savedrecipes">view saved recipes</a></li>             </ul>          </div>          <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar" id ="footer">             <h5 style="color:black"> powered <img src=""> </h5>         </div>     </script>      <script type="text/template" id="newsearch">           <div data-role="header">             <h1 style="color:black">search new recipe</h1>          </div>          <div data-role="content">             <input name= "recipe-search" id="recipe-search" data-icon="search" type="text" placeholder="what want cook?">             <ul id="search-list" data-role="listview" data-inset="true">               <% for(var in results) { %>                 <li> <img src="<%= results[i].imgurl %>"> <a href="#newlist/<%= results[i].id%>"><%= results[i].title %> </a> </li>               <% } %>              </ul>         </div>         <img src="list.png" id="list">         <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">             <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>             <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>         </div>     </script>      <script type="text/template" id="newlist">         <div data-role="header">             <h1 style="color:black"> <%=recipe_name%> </h1>         </div>          <div>         <div data-role="content">           <img src= <%=img_url%> >           <h4>recipe rating: <%= rating %> </h4>           <h4>total time prepare: <%= timetomake %> </h4>           <h4>flavor ratings</h4>           <div class="ui-block-a"> <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-e"> <h4>saltiness</h4> <%= salty %> </div> </div>           <div class="ui-block-b"> <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-e"> <h4>sourness</h4> <%= sour %> </div> </div>           <div class="ui-block-c"> <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-e"> <h4>sweetness</h4> <%= sweet %> </div> </div>           <div class="ui-block-d"> <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-e"> <h4>bitterness</h4> <%= bitter %> </div> </div>                     </div>          <div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true">           <h3>ingredients</h3>             <ul id="ingr-list" data-role="listview" data-inset="true">               <% for(var in ingrs) { %>                 <li><%= ingrs[i] %></li>               <% } %>             </ul>         </div>           <div data-role="content">           <input type="button" id="save-this" data-icon="check" value="save recipies">           <div>            <img src="store3.jpg" id="aisle">         </div>          <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">             <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>             <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>         </div>     </script>      <script type="text/template" id="savedrecipes">         <div data-role="header">             <h1>my recipes</h1>         </div>          <div data-role="content">             <p>list of saved recipes, retrieved local storage</p>             <p>saved recipes:</p>             <ul id="search-list" data-role="listview" data-inset="true">               <% for(var in results) { %>                 <li> <img src="<%= results[i].imgurl %>"> <a href="#newlist/<%= results[i].id%>"><%= results[i].title %> </a> </li>               <% } %>              </ul>            <a href="#deleteold" data-role="button">manage saved recipes</a>            <a href="#shoppinglist" data-role="button">generate shopping list</a>         </div>          <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">             <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>             <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>         </div>     </script>      <script type="text/template" id="deleteold">         <div data-role="header">             <h1>delete recipes</h1>         </div>          <div data-role="content">             <p>select recipes wish delete local storage</p>             <p>recipes:</p>             <p>(currently lacks functionality populate list)</p>             <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" id="recipe-list">              </ul>             <input type="button" data-icon="delete" value="delete selected" />         </div>          <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">             <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>             <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>         </div>     </script>       <script type="text/template" id="oldlist">       <div data-role="header">           <h1>---name of recipe----</h1>        </div>        <div data-role="content">           <p>this list of ingredients in recipe</p>           <p>ingredients:</p>           <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">               <li>ingredient 1</li>               <li>ingredient 2</li>               <li>ingredient 3</li>               <li>ingredient 4</li>           </ul>           <p> (button view recipe) </p>       </div>        <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">           <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>           <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>       </div>     </script>      <script type="text/template" id="shoppinglist">       <div data-role="header">           <h1>shopping list</h1>        </div>        <div data-role="content">         <ul id="search-list" data-role="listview" data-inset="true">           <% for(var in results) { %>             <li> <input type="checkbox" name=i id=i class="custom" /></li>  <!-- these checkboxes hideously deformed-->             <label for=i> <%= results[i].title %> </label>           <% } %>          </ul>       </div>        <div data-role="footer" class="ui-bar">           <a href="#" data-icon="back" class="back ui-btn-left">back</a>           <a href="#" data-icon="home">home</a>       </div>           </script>       <script type="text/template" id="list-item">       <li>cheese</li>     </script>   <!--      <li> <img src= <%=img_url%> > <a href="#newlist/"+ <%=model_id%> +"' class='ui-link-inherit'>" + <%=model_title%> + "</a> </li> -->       <!-- scripts -->     <script src="lib/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>     <script src="js/jqm-config.js"></script>     <script src="lib/"></script>     <script src="js/underscore.js"></script>     <script src="lib/backbone-min.js"></script>         <script src="js/backbone.localstorage.js"</script>     <script src="js/json2.js"></script>     <script src="js/main.js"></script> </head>  <body></body>  </html> 

to enhance dynamically created list view, need refresh markup using below.



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