arrays - Remove function for tree c++ -

so need function removes last node of tree. im finding online says use vector instead of array, assignment says use array. im thinking of using 2 arrays not sure how implement it. please have code far, think need remove function. in advance

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; template <class item> class tree { public:   // typedef int value_type;    typedef std::size_t size_type;    static const size_type capacity = 30;    tree() { used = 0; }    void leftchild(int index)    {        if((2*index)+1 > used)        {             cout <<"no child" << endl;        }        else        cout << "\nleft child of index " << index << ": " << data[(2*index)+1] << endl;    }    void rightchild (int index)    {        if((2*index)+2 >= used)        {            cout <<"no child" << endl;        }        else        cout << "\nright child of index " << index << data[(2*index)+2] << endl;    }    void parent (int index)    {       if(((index-1)/2) < 0)       {           cout << "no parent" << endl;       }       else       cout << "\nparent: " << data[(index-1)/2] <<endl;    }    void insert(item entry)    {        data[used] = entry;        ++used;    }    void remove()    {     }    void display()    {        for(int = 0; < used; i++)         {             cout << data[i];         }     }   private:     item data[capacity];     size_type used; };   int main()  { tree<char> test; test.insert('a'); //index [0] test.insert('l'); //index [1] test.insert('g'); //index [2] test.insert('o'); //index [3] test.insert('r'); //index [4] test.insert('i'); //index [5] test.insert('t'); //index [6] test.insert('h'); //index [7] test.insert('m'); //index [8] test.insert('s'); //index [9] test.display(); //test.remove(); test.display(); test.leftchild(4); system("pause"); return 0; } 

simply decrease used 1:

void remove() {     if (used > 0)          used--; } 

also fix leftchild():

if((2*index)+1 >= used) 


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