node.js - Mongoose doesn't save data to the MongoDB -

below object literal trying save mongodb. defined within app.js file express server. object hardcoded within server, assumption new copy saved db every time run server, or @ least document saved once, , overridden or left unchanged upon detection new document identical 1 saved on last server run. astonishment, not no copies created within mongodb, document not saved @ all. however, 'news' collection has been created, verified mongo shell 'show collections'. also, not getting error in callback function. tried model.create(doc, fn) within express '/news' route, doesn't work (the doc should saved every time '/news' route called client, isn't). missing?
please, read annotations marked "<-" see other problems or unexpected behaviour encounter. grateful if address in answer.

var express = require('express')   , routes = require('./routes')   , user = require('./routes/user')   , http = require('http')   , path = require('path')   , fs = require('fs');  // defining connection database: var mongoose = require('mongoose').     connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/my-test-db"),     db = mongoose.connection; var schema = mongoose.schema; var objectid = schema.objectid; // setting debug flag: mongoose.set('debug, true'); // logging connection: db   .on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'db connection error.'))   .once('open', console.log.bind(console, 'db connection established.'));  // defining mongodb schemas: var usr = new schema({     first: string,     last: string }); var newsschema = new schema({     headline: string,     bd: string,     imguri: string,     imgthumburi: string,     imgcaption: string,     addedon: date,     addedby: {         type: objectid,         ref: 'usr'     } // on user action 'save' populate addedon , addedby fields before news article saved db: newsschema.pre('save', function(next){     if( !this.addedon ) this.addedon = new date();     if( !this.addedby ) this.addedby = {first: "admin", last: "admin"}; }); // indexing important fields: usr.index({last: 1}); newsschema.index({headline: 1}); //adding news model: var news = mongoose.model('news', newsschema);  var nws1 = new news({     headline: "test news headline",     bd: "test news body. test news body. test news body. test news body. test news body. ",     imguri: encodeuri("images/news/img.jpg"),     imgthumburi: encodeuri("images/news/thumbs/img.jpg"),     imgcaption: "test news image caption.",     addedon: new date(),     addedby: {first: "admin", last: "admin"} });, news){         if(err) return console.error("error while saving data mongodb: " + err); // <- gets executed when there's error         console.error(news); // <- never gets logged, if there's no error.     });  var app = express();  // environments app.set('port', process.env.port || 3000); app.set('views', path.resolve(__dirname + '/public')); app.set('view engine', 'html')     .engine('html', function(path, options, fn){         if('finction' == typeof options){             fn = options, options = {};         }         fs.readfile(path, 'utf8', fn);     }); app.use(express.favicon()); app.use(express.logger('dev')); app.use(express.bodyparser()); app.use(express.methodoverride()); app.use(express.session());  app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); http.createserver(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){ console.log('express server listening on port ' + app.get('port')); }); 

thank time
best regards

it looks problem in news schema's save middleware.

newsschema.pre('save', function(next){     if( !this.addedon ) this.addedon = new date();     if( !this.addedby ) this.addedby = {first: "admin", last: "admin"}; }); 

your function receives "next" callback must execute let mongoose know done , ready save document. since you're not calling it, explain why nothing saved, , no errors.

try calling next this:

newsschema.pre('save', function(next){     if( !this.addedon ) this.addedon = new date();     if( !this.addedby ) this.addedby = {first: "admin", last: "admin"};     next(); }); 


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