sql server - What is the query for this complex job -

i have following tables

materials groups ------------------------------- |grpid | grpname | grpparentid | -------------------------------  materials -------------------------------------- |matid | matname | matgroupid |price | --------------------------------------  stores ----------------------------- |stid | stname | stparentid | -----------------------------  billtype -------------------- |typeid | typename | -------------------- 

those types

store out store in/price sales return first period inventory sales end period inventory store out/price purchase store in ready product in purchase return sales return1 raw materials out  bills ---------------------------------- |billid | billtype| client..|....| ----------------------------------  billitems --------------------------------- |itemid| matid| quantity|billid | --------------------------------- 

the required show report in form the report design

i think it's big miss , don't know do

i tried joins , pivots ,, got incomplete report think complicated

this latest try

declare @table1 table (     matguid uniqueidentifier,     typeguid uniqueidentifier,     qty int ) declare @table2 table (     matgroup varchar(250),     matname varchar(250),     billtypename varchar(250),     qty int ) insert @table1 select fatoraitem.matguid, fatora.typeguid, sum(fatoraitem.qty) qty bi000 fatoraitem left join bu000 fatora on fatora.guid = fatoraitem.parentguid left join bt000 fatoratype on fatoratype.guid = fatora.typeguid group fatoraitem.matguid, fatora.typeguid   insert @table2 select gr000.name matgroup, mt000.name matname, bt000.name billtypename, t1.qty @table1 t1 left join mt000 on mt000.guid = t1.matguid left join bt000 on bt000.guid = t1.typeguid left join gr000 on mt000.groupguid = gr000.guid  declare     @storecols nvarchar(max),     @billtypecols nvarchar(max),     @stmt nvarchar(max)  select @billtypecols = isnull(@billtypecols + ', ', '') + '[' + t.billtypename + ']' (select distinct billtypename @table2) t  if object_id('tempdb..#results') not null     drop table #results select * #results @table2 select @stmt = 'select * #results t         pivot          (             sum(t.qty)             t.billtypename in (' + @billtypecols + ')         ) p'  exec sp_executesql  @stmt 

i don't know why people vote down? instead of editing question, giving advice in comment or answering question people vote down.

i solved it's not solved 100% it's 90%, in other words accumulation of stores not working[it calculates quantity materials in store, parent store don't sum children stores] sql

create procedure [dbo].[advancedbillmatreport] @paramuserguid uniqueidentifier = null, @parammaterialguid uniqueidentifier = 0x0, @paramgrouplevel int = 0, @paramstoreguid uniqueidentifier = 0x0, @paramdisplaytype int = 1, @parampricetype int = 0,  @parambilltypesguidsstr varchar(max)  = null set nocount on if object_id('tempdb..#result') not null     drop table #result if object_id('tempdb..#results') not null     drop table #results if object_id('tempdb..#secviol') not null     drop table #secviol if object_id('tempdb..#secviols') not null     drop table #secviols create table [#secviol] (type [int], cnt [int]) create table [#secviols] (type [int], cnt [int]) --billtypes declare @billtypesguids table (     typeguid uniqueidentifier,     typename varchar(250) ) insert @billtypesguids select t1.guid typeguid, bt000.name typename splitstring ( @parambilltypesguidsstr, ';' ) t1 left join bt000 on bt000.guid = t1.guid  --matrials actual vertical part of thetable declare @materials table (     matguid uniqueidentifier,     groupguid uniqueidentifier,     code varchar(250),     name varchar(250),     latinname varchar(250),     [level] int,     [path] [varchar](8000),     [type] int ) insert @materials exec  repmattreereport  --/////////////filter materials/////////////////////////////// delete @materials (level < @paramgrouplevel) if @parammaterialguid <> 0x0 begin     delete @materials matguid <> @parammaterialguid end select * #result @materials exec prcchecksecurity @paramuserguid delete @materials matguid not in (select matguid #result) drop table #result insert #secviols select * #secviol truncate table #secviol --/////////////done filtering//////////////////////////  --stores repeated horizontal parts of table declare @stores table (     storeguid uniqueidentifier,     name varchar(250),     parentguid uniqueidentifier,     level int ) insert @stores(storeguid, name, parentguid, level) select t1.guid storeguid, st000.name, st000.parentguid, t1.level fngetstoreslisttree(@paramstoreguid, 1) t1 left join st000 on t1.guid = st000.guid   --/////////////filter stores///////////////////////////  select * #result1 @stores exec prcchecksecurity @paramuserguid,0,0,'#result1' delete @stores storeguid not in (select storeguid #result1) drop table #result1 insert #secviols select *from #secviol truncate table #secviol --/////////////done filtering//////////////////////////  --the grouped bill items declare @matdata table (     matguid uniqueidentifier,     storeguid uniqueidentifier,     typeguid uniqueidentifier,     groupguid uniqueidentifier,     qty int ) insert @matdata select fatoraitem.matguid, fatoraitem.storeguid, fatora.typeguid, mada.groupguid, isnull(sum(fatoraitem.qty),0) qty bi000 fatoraitem left join bu000 fatora on fatora.guid = fatoraitem.parentguid left join mt000 mada on mada.guid = fatoraitem.matguid group fatoraitem.matguid, fatoraitem.storeguid, fatora.typeguid, mada.groupguid  insert @materials([type], matguid, groupguid, name,path) values(2, 0x0, 0x0, 'المجموع الكلي', (select max(path) @materials))--for total select [type], [level], matguid, groupguid, name #results @materials order path  declare selectedbilltypes cursor local select typeguid, typename @billtypesguids  declare storesiterator cursor local select storeguid, name @stores  declare matiterator cursor local select matguid, name, level, type @materials  open selectedbilltypes--bills-types     declare @typeguid uniqueidentifier     declare @typename varchar(250)     fetch next selectedbilltypes @typeguid, @typename     while(@@fetch_status = 0)         begin             open storesiterator--stores                 declare @storeguid uniqueidentifier                 declare @storename varchar(250)                 fetch next storesiterator @storeguid, @storename                 while(@@fetch_status = 0)                 begin                     declare @columnqname varchar(max)                     declare @columnpname varchar(max)                     declare @alterstatement varchar(max)                     set @columnqname = '[' + @typename + '.' + @storename + '.q]'                     set @alterstatement = 'alter table #results add ' + @columnqname + ' int not null default(0)'                     execute(@alterstatement)                     if(@paramdisplaytype = 1)--expaned display                     begin                         set @columnpname = '[' + @typename + '.' + @storename + '.p]'                         set @alterstatement = 'alter table #results add ' + @columnpname + ' int not null default(0)'                         execute(@alterstatement)                     end                     open matiterator--mats , groups                     declare @matguid uniqueidentifier, @matname varchar(250), @matlevel int, @mattype int                     fetch next matiterator @matguid, @matname, @matlevel, @mattype                     while(@@fetch_status = 0)                     begin                         declare @price int, @quantity int                         declare @insertstatement varchar(max)                          select @price = case when @parampricetype = 0x4 whole                                              when @parampricetype = 0x8 half                                              when @parampricetype = 0x10 export                                              when @parampricetype = 0x20 vendor                                              when @parampricetype = 0x40 retail                                              when @parampricetype = 0x80 enduser                                         end                                         mt000 guid = @matguid                         if @mattype = 1                             select @quantity = isnull(sum(qty), 0) @matdata t1 (t1.matguid = @matguid , t1.storeguid = @storeguid , t1.typeguid = @typeguid)                         else                             set @quantity = 0                         set @price = @price * @quantity                         set @insertstatement = 'update #results set ' + @columnqname + ' = ' + cast(@quantity varchar(50))                          if(@paramdisplaytype = 1)--expaned display                         begin                             set @insertstatement += ', ' + @columnpname + ' = ' + cast(@price varchar(50))                         end                         set @insertstatement +=   ' matguid = ''' + cast(@matguid varchar(50)) + ''''                         execute(@insertstatement)                         fetch next matiterator @matguid, @matname, @matlevel, @mattype                     end                     close matiterator                     declare @updatestatement varchar(max)                     declare @total varchar(max)                     declare @maxlevel int                     select @maxlevel = isnull(max(level),0) #results                     set @total = 'update #results set ' + @columnqname + ' = ' +                                 '(select isnull(sum(' + @columnqname + '), 0) #results t2 t2.type = 1)'                     if(@paramdisplaytype = 1)--expaned display                     begin                         set @total += ', ' + @columnpname + ' = ' + '(select isnull(sum(' + @columnpname + '), 0) #results t2 t2.type = 1) '                     end                     set @total +=' [type] = 2'                     execute(@total)                      while (@maxlevel>-1)                     begin                         set @updatestatement = 'update #results set ' + @columnqname + ' = ' +                                                '(select isnull(sum(' + @columnqname + '), 0) #results t2 t2.groupguid = #results.matguid)'                         if(@paramdisplaytype = 1)--expaned display                         begin                             set @updatestatement += ', ' + @columnpname + ' = ' + '(select isnull(sum(' + @columnpname + '), 0) #results t2 t2.groupguid = #results.matguid) '                         end                         set @updatestatement += ' [type] = 0 , level = ' + cast(@maxlevel varchar(50))                         execute(@updatestatement)                         set @maxlevel -= 1                     end                     fetch next storesiterator @storeguid, @storename                 end             close storesiterator             fetch next selectedbilltypes @typeguid, @typename         end close selectedbilltypes select * #results 

this result enter image description here

the table header built in c++, names columns names column name = billtypename.storename.q quantity or billtypename.storename.p price. in c++ iterate on columns names in table , split them , process header in table body put them come server


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