- Parse Error: Operation could destabilize the runtime -

i have simple website used work fine on windows 8 machine. however, recently, if go website directly hosted on iis, parse error on first line of master page.

parser error  description: error occurred during parsing of resource required service request. please review following specific parse error details , modify source file appropriately.   parser error message: operation destabilize runtime.  source error:    line 1:  <%@ master language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codefile="samplegallery.master.cs" inherits="samplegallery" %> line 2:  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> line 3:    source file: /samplegallery.master    line: 1  

now, when open site in vs2012 , run it, not errors , site runs expected.

this has happened other sites on iis well, thinking settings/problem on iis related .net 4.0 (which framework app pools have configured), after searching through net few weeks, not able find out is.

updated 8/16: have tried reinstall .net 4.5 using "turn windows features on , off" , reinstalling using aspnet_regiis.exe.

peverify on dependent dlls in bin directory did not yield errors.

try removing dependent dlls 1 @ time until error goes away. if doesn't work, i'd code-behind , remove see if part of problem. add code piece-by-piece until fails again. lead culprit.


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