javascript - Get all elements below a specific element -

in javascript, possible obtain list of elements element hovering over? i'm using element cursor, , want other elements in page underlined when cursor element hovering on each of other elements.

<div id="cursor">|----------|<br/>|----------|<br/>>i'm spaceship!><br/>|----------|<br/>|----------|<br/></div> <div id="hi">try select text</div> <p>i want automatically highlight elements cursor element hovers over.</p> <p>here's element.<p>

the :hover pseudo-class applies whatever you're cursor over. have quick @ fiddle mouse triggers red background each element hovered:

secondly, if using element cursor, can instruct mouse pass through using pointer-events: none rule. note, support outside of svg property limited.

other this, alternative way use elementfrompoint, return single element. i'm not sure work since you're mouse obstructed element begin with.

regarding elementfrompoint route, temporarily hide custom cursor next element below mouse, , turn custom cursor on, suggested in comments below.


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