apache - How to prepend PHP file to ionCubed script -

i've prepend php file of script files using php.ini config:

auto_prepend_file = "./file.php" 

then got error while running script:

site error: file /home/user/public_html/path/index.php requires ioncube php loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so installed website operator. if website operator please use ioncube loader wizard assist installation. 

since script encoded ioncube, there way make okay?

just more details, here file.php contents:

<?php     $_server['server_addr'] = '';     $_env['server_addr'] = '';     $http_server_vars['server_addr'] = ''; ?> 

you need setup ioncube php loader error message telling you.

  1. download appropriate loader here: http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php

  2. follow docs setup: http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php

  3. there loader wizard helps setup: http://www.ioncube.com/loader-wizard/loader-wizard.zip

once have ioncube php loader working, encoded script should work.


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