ios - run fails with error when trying to get instance from custom framework -

hello need create ios titanium module. in case have add framework has other depended frameworks, corelocation,systemconfiguration , libz.dylib, dont think need add xcconfig except custom static library framework using other_ldflags=$(inherited) -framework mycustomframework.

anyway, not problem mention cause might take part, problem when use shared instance, singleton, instance returned , while ofcourse custom framework stuff in background error when trying run

[error] clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) [error] [error] error: traceback (most recent call last): [debug] file "/library/application support/titanium/mobilesdk/osx/", line 1379, in main [debug] execute_xcode("iphonesimulator%s" % link_version,["gcc_preprocessor_definitions=log__id=%s deploytype=development ti_development=1 debug=1 ti_version=%s %s %s" % (log_id,sdk_version,debugstr,kroll_coverage)],false) [debug] file "/library/application support/titanium/mobilesdk/osx/", line 1286, in execute_xcode [debug] output =,false,false,o) [debug] file "/library/application support/titanium/mobilesdk/osx/", line 41, in run [debug] sys.exit(rc) [debug] systemexit: 65 [error] build failed. see: /var/folders/dz/nm9p6dtd4lx_xc8805p8f1340000gn/t/mobr_frti/test_module/build/iphone/build/build.log 

soon remove sharedinstance try initialize , return , make instance nil, runs successfully, no value of course :)

anyone have clue error means?

thank you.


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