Struts 1 action not getting called within javascript function in jsp -

i using display tag display list onto table. trying have button delete row based on row id. id getting passed javascript function action not getting called. know value getting passed because when tested using alert output id within function, did.

i ran firebug , saying form undefined

what have

display tag table:

<form action="" method="post" id="mainform" name="myformbean">  <display:table requesturicontext="true" requesturi="/unavailability/loadunavailability.action?method=loadform" uid="mylist" name="requestscope.unavaillist" class="simple" pagesize="10" defaultsort="2" sort="list" cellspacing="0" excludedparams="*">      <display:column  property="startdate" title="start date" width="18%" decorator="com.mhngs.util.displaytagdatewrapper" sortable="true" headerclass="sortable"/> <display:column  property="enddate" title="end date" width="18%" decorator="com.mhngs.util.displaytagdatewrapper" sortable="true" headerclass="sortable" /> <display:column  property="reason" title="comments" width="30%" sortable="true" headerclass="sortable" />     <display:column media="html" width="10%"> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:deleteentry('<c:out value="${mylist.rowid}"/>')">delete</a> </display:column>   </display:table>  <input type="hidden" name="rowid" id="rowid" /> </form> 


    function deleteentry(rowid){         document.getelementbyid('rowid').value=rowid;         document.forms[0].action='/app/protected/mflc/unavailability/delcounselorentry.action?method=deletecounselorunavailability';         document.forms['myform'].submit; //correction            } 

struts form bean:

<form-bean name="myformbean" type="org.apache.struts.action.dynaactionform"> <form-property name="mylist" type="java.util.list"/> </form-bean> 

struts delete mapping:

<action path="/unavailability/delcounselorentry"         type="com.action.myaction"          scope="request"         parameter="method"          name="myformbean">         <forward name="success"             path="/unavailability/mydeletecomfirmationpage.actioncontent" />     </action> 

any appreciated, thanks

i found reason why form undefined

i had @ first points first form:

document.forms[0];              //first <form> element 

but if have name form, need point form this:

document.forms['myform']; //points <form name="name_of_form"> 


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