c++ - what is the effective scope of setCodecfForTr() -
i'm have following in main.cpp
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qapplication a(argc, argv); qtextcodec::setcodecforcstring(qtextcodec::codecforname("utf-8")); mainwindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }
and following mainwindow.cpp
mainwindow::mainwindow(qwidget *parent) : qmainwindow(parent), ui(new ui::mainwindow) { ui->setupui(this); result = new qlabel("check result here:",this); result->setgeometry(qrect(qpoint(180,30),qsize(161,161))); qstring m("宁愿看见两个恶魔在拔河,也不愿看见一只天使在跳舞。"); result->settext(m); } mainwindow::~mainwindow() { delete ui; }
the chinese character on qlabel
can not displayed normally.
if modify them follows, character can displayed normally.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qapplication a(argc, argv); mainwindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }
the following mainwindow.cpp
mainwindow::mainwindow(qwidget *parent) : qmainwindow(parent), ui(new ui::mainwindow) { ui->setupui(this); qtextcodec::setcodecforcstring(qtextcodec::codecforname("utf-8")); result = new qlabel("check result here:",this); result->setgeometry(qrect(qpoint(180,30),qsize(161,161))); qstring m("宁愿看见两个恶魔在拔河,也不愿看见一只天使在跳舞。"); result->settext(m); } mainwindow::~mainwindow() { delete ui; }
i think problem of scope of function 'setcodeforcstring()`, can explain that?
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