javascript - Permissions error on Facebook JS API for comments, even though I have the auths -

i attempting post comment fb js api.

fb.api("/" + myfbpageid + "/comments", "post", {   "fb:explicitly_share": true   "message": contents }, function(response) { console.log(response) }) 

unfortunately, though have both publish_actions , publish_stream permissions, exception:

"message":"(#200) permissions error","type":"oauthexception","code":200 

um, what? why? have tested , authed fb on site. double checked this:

fb.login(function(response) {   console.log(response); }, {scope: 'publish_stream'}); 

so question is, permissions error here? how fix it?

i attempting post comment

you giving page id. how facebook know feed, should comment? so, should provide facebook feed-id instead of page wan t tp post comment. here's correct syntax if want post comment on feed:

/post_id/comments, instead of /page_id/comments

and, if meant post feed instead of comment, should use-



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