How to return scrollbar in Sharepoint 2010 -

i want fix scrollbar in popup window,but unfortunately fix in other pages! please,tell me- how return scrollbars in sharepoint 2010.

when want fix scrolls- use :

 function fixribbonandworkspacedimensions() {     ulsxsy:;     g_frl = true;     var elmribbon = getcachedelement("s4-ribbonrow");     var elmworkspace = getcachedelement("s4-workspace");     var elmtitlearea = getcachedelement("s4-titlerow");     var elmbodytable = getcachedelement("s4-bodycontainer");      if (!elmribbon || !elmworkspace || !elmbodytable) { return; }     if (!g_setwidthinited) {         var setwidth = true;         if (elmworkspace.classname.indexof("s4-nosetwidth") > -1)             setwidth = false;         g_setwidth = setwidth;         g_setwidthinited = true;     }     else { var setwidth = g_setwidth; }     var baseribbonheight = ribbonisminimized() ? 44 : 135;     var ribbonheight = baseribbonheight + g_wpadderheight;      if (getcurrenteltstyle(elmribbon, "visibility") == "hidden") { ribbonheight = 0; }     // override default resizing behavior     // -- adds padding top of "s4-workspace" <div> if ribbon exists , has content     // -- allows ribbon positioned using css instead of javascript (more accessible)     // -- checks see if page inside "no-ribbon" dialog     var elmribboncontainer = getcachedelement("ribboncontainer");     if (elmribboncontainer != null) {         if (elmribboncontainer.children.length > 0 && document.getelementsbytagname("html")[0].classname.indexof('ms-dialog-nr') == -1) {    = ribbonheight + 'px';         }     } } 

i think ,that have write


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