batch file - How to pass the REG QUERY value to if, then statement -

i'm trying create batch file check office 2010 bitness. if it's x86 want install x86 version of application, , if not x64 version.

i running reg query find information out.

reg query hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\office\14.0\outlook /v bitness

how pass value across if/then/else statement?

if (value) equ x86 ??? then

) else (

@echo off /f "skip=2 tokens=3 delims= " %%r in ('reg query hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\office\14.0\outlook /v bitness') (  set "reg_value=%%r" ) echo %reg_value% if "%reg_value%" equ "x86" (   ) else (  else ) 


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