javascript - Access non-public data using Facebook Graph Api -

i trying user data(/me) & friends data(/me/friends) using function fires after login through facebook. using javascript sdk

//getting logged in user data// function users(callback) {    fb.api('/me?fields=name,first_name,username,birthday,hometown,albums,photos,location,picture.height(100).width(100),cover', function(response) {         callback(response);      }); }  //getting logged in user friends data// function pic(album_id, callback) {      fb.api("/" + album_id + "/photos", function(response) {          callback(response);      }); } 

by using able access public data of logged in user, not able access data limited permission(such my location & hometown set visible my friends only).

app dashboard permissions: enter image description here

you can access fields such hometown,location etc. user using following code, asks authorization when login app using facebook.

fb.login(function(response) {       }, {           scope: 'user_location,user_hometown,user_photos,friends_location'       }); 


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