java - How to access as JsonNode from session | ${user.get()} -

i'm creating simple session object (jsonnode)

jsonnode me = mapper.readvalue(result, jsonnode.class);  httpsession session = request.getsession(true); session.setattribute("user", me); 

the trying access this.

${user} // works print {"id":8,"name":"jones"..} ${} // trows error "property 'id' not found on type org.codehaus.jackson.node.objectnode" ${user.get(0)} // nothing printed out. ${user.size()} // return 4, id,name,username,token 

how re factor code fix problem, or selector?

the version @mindas suggested should work, unless using tomcat 7. seems tomcat 7 has bug when calling overloaded methods jsp el (see issue here). using tomcat 7?

the ${user.get(0)} isn't printing because method accessing value of specified element of array node. yours not array node , if use ${user.get("id")} should value id field, unless on tomcat 7 error cannot convert id of type class java.lang.string int.

you try quick , dirty test ${user.findvalue("id")} , see if @ least result, if don't mind me saying, think better if not expose raw object jsonnode jsp sort of user pojo getters , setters id, name, username , token instead. use ${} in jsp , have no issue tomcat.


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