c++ - tinyxml library include in Visual studio -

i trying include tinyxml library visual studio c++ project no success.

i have downloaded library folder .h , .cpp files , tried kind of adding... doesn't help...

i found this tutorial, , did told.

it still not recognize #include "xmleffect.h"

any suggestions welcome.

take again @ step four.

step four

copy following files project folder

  • tinystr.h
  • tinyxml.h
  • tinyxmlparser.cpp
  • tinystr.cpp
  • tinyxml.cpp
  • tinyxmlerror.cpp

from solution explorer add these file project (add >> existing item)


if projects structure this:

   project       |-- debug       |-- src       |       |-- inc       |    |       |    +-- xmleffect.h       |       +-- main.cpp 

then #include "inc/xmleffect.h"instead of #include "xmleffect.h"


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