c++ - Trouble rendering quake 3 maps -

recently i've been working on quake 3 bsp loader while. cannot faces render correctly. http://postimg.org/image/o2lf8vlp9/ here vertices map. here's happens when render faces on map. http://postimg.org/image/6hmoht7ep/

this code rendered.

void bsp::render()  {    (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[13].length/sizeof(bspface); j++)//read until end of lump     {      if ((bsp::faces[j].type == 1)||(bsp::faces[j].type == 3))       // 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard            {                 glfrontface(gl_cw);         glbegin(gl_triangle_strip);         (    int k = 0; k <=  bsp::faces[j].numofverts - 1; k++)//read until end of lump            {             glvertex3f(bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.x, bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.y, bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.z);            }         glend();            }    } } 

here's full source

#include <stdio.h>                                    #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sstream> #include <gl/gl.h>                                     #include <sdl/sdl.h> #include <assert.h>                                     using namespace std;  int screen_width = 640; int screen_height = 480; int screen_bpp = 24; bool running = true; bool lightmaps; sdl_event event;  #define max_brushes     10000 #define max_faces       10000 #define max_verts       10000000 #define max_textures    1000 #define max_leaffaces   65536  struct pos {  float x;  float y;  float z; };  struct bspface {  int   textureid;        // index     texture array  int   effect;           // index effects (or -1 = n/a)  int   type;             // 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard  int   vertexindex;      // index     face's first vertex  int   numofverts;       // number of vertices face  int   meshvertindex;    // index     first meshvertex  int   nummeshverts;     // number of mesh vertices  int   lightmapid;       // texture index lightmap  int   lmapcorner[2];    // face's lightmap corner in image  int   lmapsize[2];      // size of lightmap section  float lmappos[3];     // 3d origin of lightmap.  float lmapbitsets[2][3]; // 3d space s , t unit vectors.  float vnormal[3];     // face normal.  int   size[2];          // bezier patch dimensions. };  struct bspvertex {  pos position;      //x y z  float texturecoord[2];  //u, v texture coordinate  float lightmapcoord[2]; //u, v lightmap coordinate  float normal[3];        //x, y, z normalized vector  char  color[4];         //rgba color vertex };  struct bsptexture  {  char name[64];      // name of texture w/o extension  int flags;          // surface flags (unknown)  int contents;       // content flags (unknown) };  struct bspbrush  {  int brushside;           // starting brush side brush  int numofbrushsides;     // number of brush sides brush  int textureid;           // texture index brush };  struct bsplump {  int offset;  int length; };  class bsp {  public:  ifstream    bspfile;  bsplump     lumps[16];  char        entities[10000];  bspvertex   vertices[max_verts];  bspface     faces[max_faces];  bsptexture  textures[max_textures];  bspbrush    brushs[max_brushes];  int         faceindex[max_leaffaces];  void load(string);  void render();   };  void bsp::load(string name) {  cout << "loading bsp \"" << name << "\"" << endl;  bsp::bspfile.open (name.c_str(), istream::binary);  if(bsp::bspfile == null)    cout << "error: no file named \""<< name <<"\" found" << endl;  else      {       char magic[64];                 //number used in quake 3 bsp header           bsp::bspfile.read(magic, 4);    //read magic number in header of bsp file should "ibsp"       if((magic[0] != 'i')||(magic[1] != 'b')||(magic[2] != 's')||(magic[3] != 'p'))        {          cout << "error: not valid quake 3 bsp file" << endl;        }       else           {            int version;           char vbuffer[4];                           bsp::bspfile.read(vbuffer, 4);              (    int k = 0; k <= 3; k++)                  {               ((char*)&version)[k] = vbuffer[k];              }            if(version != 46)//46 = 0x2e in hexidecimal             cout << "error: unknown version of quake 3 bsp" << endl;           else               {                (    int = 0; <= 16; i++)                   {                    char lumpoffset[4];                    char lumplength[4];                     //read lumps offset                    bsp::bspfile.read(lumpoffset, 4);                                        (    int k = 0; k <= 3; k++)                           {                        ((char*)&bsp::lumps[i].offset)[k] = lumpoffset[k];                       }                     //read lumps length                       bsp::bspfile.read(lumplength, 4);                                        (    int k = 0; k <= 3; k++)                           {                        ((char*)&bsp::lumps[i].length)[k] = lumplength[k];                       }                     cout << "lump " << << " offset " << bsp::lumps[i].offset << endl                         << "lump " << << " length " << bsp::lumps[i].length << endl << endl;                                     }                 //load entities (lump 0)                bsp::bspfile.seekg (bsp::lumps[0].offset, ios::beg);                bsp::bspfile.read(bsp::entities, bsp::lumps[0].length);                   //load textures    (lump 1)                            bsp::bspfile.seekg (bsp::lumps[1].offset, ios::beg);                (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[1].length/sizeof(bsptexture); j++) //read until end of lump                   {                                   char buffer[72];                               bsp::bspfile.read(buffer, 72);                       (    int k = 0; k <= 71; k++)//read until end of lump                       {                        ((char*)&bsp::textures[j])[k] = buffer[k];                       }                   }                 //load leaffaces (lump 5)                bsp::bspfile.seekg (bsp::lumps[5].offset, ios::beg);                (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[5].length/sizeof(bspvertex); j++) //read until end of lump                   {                    char buffer[4];                 //create buffer leaffaces                             bsp::bspfile.read(buffer, 4);   //read                    (    int k = 0; k <= 3; k++)    //read until end of lump                       {                        ((char*)&bsp::faceindex[j])[k] = buffer[k];                      }                   }                 //load vertices (lump 10)                bsp::bspfile.seekg (bsp::lumps[10].offset, ios::beg); //load vertex data vertex lump (10)                (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[10].length/sizeof(bspvertex); j++)//read until end of lump                   {                    char buffer[44];           //create buffer verts                        bsp::bspfile.read(buffer, 44);   //read                    (    int k = 0; k <= 43; k++)//read until end of lump                       {                        ((char*)&bsp::vertices[j])[k] = buffer[k];                       }                   }                 //load faces (lump 13)                bsp::bspfile.seekg (bsp::lumps[13].offset, ios::beg); //load face data face lump (13)                (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[13].length/sizeof(bspface); j++)//read until end of lump                   {                    char buffer[104];                 //create buffer faces                        bsp::bspfile.read(buffer, 104);   //read                    (    int k = 0; k <= 103; k++)    //read until end of lump                       {                        ((char*)&bsp::faces[j])[k] = buffer[k];                       }                   }                 }         }      } } void bsp::render()  {    (    int j = 0; j <= bsp::lumps[13].length/sizeof(bspface); j++)//read until end of lump     {      if ((bsp::faces[j].type == 1)||(bsp::faces[j].type == 3))       // 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard            {                 glfrontface(gl_cw);         glbegin(gl_triangle_strip);         (    int k = 0; k <=  bsp::faces[j].numofverts - 1; k++)//read until end of lump            {             glvertex3f(bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.x, bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.y, bsp::vertices[bsp::faces[j].vertexindex+k].position.z);            }         glend();            }    } }  bsp bspbuffer;  bool initgl() {  //initialize projection matrix  glmatrixmode( gl_projection );  glloadidentity();  //initialize modelview matrix  glmatrixmode( gl_modelview );  glloadidentity();  //initialize clear color  glclearcolor( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );  //glpolygonmode( gl_front_and_back, gl_line );  return true; }  float angle;   void render()  {  angle = angle + 1;  glpushmatrix();  //clear color buffer  glclear( gl_color_buffer_bit );  //render quad  glpointsize(5.0);  glrotatef(angle,1,1,1);  glscalef(.002,.002,.002);  bspbuffer.render();  //update screen  glpopmatrix();  sdl_gl_swapbuffers();   //while there events handle  while( sdl_pollevent( &event ) )       {        if(event.type == sdl_quit)          {           running = false;           exit(0);          }       }         sdl_delay( 1000 / 30 ); }  bool init() {  //initialize sdl  if( sdl_init( sdl_init_everything ) < 0 )    {     return false;    } //create window if( sdl_setvideomode( screen_width, screen_height, screen_bpp, sdl_opengl ) == null )   {    return false;   } //initialize opengl if( initgl() == false )   {    return false;   }  //set caption  sdl_wm_setcaption( "opengl bsp", null );  return true; }  #undef main  int main() {  init();  bspbuffer.load("test1.bsp");     {     render();    }while(running);     return 0;  } 

the index you're using pointing face polygon vertices lump. if want see map rendered can try replacing gl_triangle_strip mode gl_polygon.

the triangle version of polygon stored in meshverts lump. in order render triangles need indexes stored in meshverts , offset vertexindex of face.


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