reporting services - ReportServer database - Users have access to which reports? -

is there way, without having trawl through each report , see users have access them? possible query reportserver database list of reports , users have access report?

or if have user there way of knowing reports specific user has access to?

i have list of users need through users table reportserver, can these users joined table in database return i'm looking for?


i used script below , added clause specific users , see has access reports etc. worked nicely :)

c.username, d.rolename, d.description, e.path,
inner join dbo.policies b on a.policyid = b.policyid
inner join dbo.users c on a.userid = c.userid
inner join dbo.roles d on a.roleid = d.roleid
inner join dbo.catalog e on a.policyid = e.policyid
order c.username

this source link - ssrs - determine report permissions via reportserver database tables?


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