android - How To Make JmDNS Work On A Large Network -

i'm working on adding discovery our app using ( it's working correctly on small home network. fails on large network @ office. seem recall reading if app blocks more 5 seconds get's reset. , appears what's happening. first, how can sure that's problem?

of course, main question how can can make jmdns work on large network. , more general question do when need more 5 seconds?

small snippet of code (it's in asynctask):

inetaddress bindingaddress = inetaddress.getbyname(ipofthisdevice);  jmdns = jmdns.create(bindingaddress);  servicelist = arrays.aslist(jmdns.list("_myappname._tcp.local.",5000)); // 5 second timeout 

here code used in android app seems work @ office?

 /*     zeroconf browser -      copyright (c) 2010 melloware inc     rights reserved.  */ package com.melloware.zeroconf;  import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.iterator; import java.util.treemap;  import javax.jmdns.jmdns; import javax.jmdns.serviceevent; import javax.jmdns.serviceinfo; import javax.jmdns.servicelistener; import javax.jmdns.servicetypelistener;  import; import android.content.context; import; import; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.html; import android.util.log; import android.view.layoutinflater; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; import android.widget.baseexpandablelistadapter; import android.widget.imageview; import android.widget.textview;  /**  * service tab contains expandable list of dns services , details of each service type  * gathered.  * <p>  * copyright (c) 2010 melloware, inc. <>  * @author emil a. lefkof iii <>  * @version 1.0  */ public class serviceactivity extends expandablelistactivity implements servicelistener, servicetypelistener {     /**     * tag used logging     */    private static final string tag = serviceactivity.class.getname();     /**     * value used identify in zeroconf     */    private static final string hostname = "melloware";     /**     * sorted array of top level items service types     */    public static final arraylist<servicetype> groups = new arraylist<servicetype>();     /**     * sorted list of details each service type     */    public static final treemap<string, arraylist<serviceinfo>> details = new treemap<string, arraylist<serviceinfo>>();     /**     * instance of bonjour/rendezvous/zeroconf handler     */    public static jmdns jmdns = null;     /**     * allows application receive wifi multicast packets.     */    private static multicastlock multicastlock = null;     /**     * backing adapter listview of services     */    private static dnsexpandablelistadapter madapter;     @override    public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {       super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);       madapter = new dnsexpandablelistadapter();       setlistadapter(madapter);    }     /*     * (non-javadoc)     * @see     */    @override    protected void onstart() {       log.i(tag, "starting serviceactivity...");       super.onstart();       try {          log.i(tag, "starting mutlicast lock...");          wifimanager wifi = (wifimanager) this.getsystemservice(context.wifi_service);          // device ip address          final inetaddress deviceipaddress = getdeviceipaddress(wifi);          multicastlock = wifi.createmulticastlock(getclass().getname());          multicastlock.setreferencecounted(true);          multicastlock.acquire();          log.i(tag, "starting zeroconf probe....");          jmdns = jmdns.create(deviceipaddress, hostname);          jmdns.addservicetypelistener(this);       } catch (ioexception ex) {          log.e(tag, ex.getmessage(), ex);       }       log.i(tag, "started zeroconf probe....");    }     /*     * (non-javadoc)     * @see     */    @override    protected void onstop() {       log.i(tag, "stopping serviceactivity...");       super.onstop();       stopscan();       details.clear();       groups.clear();       if (!isfinishing()) {          madapter.notifydatasetchanged();       }    }     /**     * stops scanning , cleans locks.     */    private static void stopscan() {       try {          if (jmdns != null) {             log.i(tag, "stopping zeroconf probe....");             jmdns.unregisterallservices();             jmdns.close();             jmdns = null;          }          if (multicastlock != null) {             log.i(tag, "releasing mutlicast lock...");             multicastlock.release();             multicastlock = null;          }       } catch (exception ex) {          log.e(tag, ex.getmessage(), ex);       }    }     /**     * gets current android device ip address or return localhost on android.     * <p>     * @return inetaddress of android device     */    private inetaddress getdeviceipaddress(wifimanager wifi) {       inetaddress result = null;       try {          // default android localhost          result = inetaddress.getbyname("");           // figure out our wifi address, otherwise bail          wifiinfo wifiinfo = wifi.getconnectioninfo();          int intaddr = wifiinfo.getipaddress();          byte[] byteaddr = new byte[] { (byte) (intaddr & 0xff), (byte) (intaddr >> 8 & 0xff), (byte) (intaddr >> 16 & 0xff), (byte) (intaddr >> 24 & 0xff) };          result = inetaddress.getbyaddress(byteaddr);       } catch (unknownhostexception ex) {          log.w(tag, string.format("getdeviceipaddress error: %s", ex.getmessage()));       }        return result;    }     /**     * delegate method mdns when service added.     */    public void serviceadded(serviceevent event) {       log.i(tag, string.format("zeroconf serviceadded(event=\n%s\n)", event.tostring()));       arraylist<serviceinfo> list = details.get(event.gettype());       if (list != null) {          serviceinfo info = event.getinfo();          if (!list.contains(info)) {             list.add(info);          }       }    }     /**     * delegate method mdns when service removed.     */    public void serviceremoved(serviceevent event) {       log.w(tag, string.format("zeroconf serviceremoved(event=\n%s\n)", event.tostring()));     }     /**     * delegate method mdns when service resolved.     */    public void serviceresolved(serviceevent event) {       log.i(tag, string.format("zeroconf serviceresolved(event=\n%s\n)", event.tostring()));       arraylist<serviceinfo> list = details.get(event.gettype());       if (list != null) {          serviceinfo info = event.getinfo();          if (!list.contains(info)) {             list.add(info);          }       }    }     /**     * delegate method mdns when new service type discovered.     */    public void servicetypeadded(final serviceevent event) {       log.i(tag, string.format("zeroconf servicetypeadded(event=\n%s\n)", event.tostring()));       jmdns.addservicelistener(event.gettype(), this);       runonuithread(new runnable() {          public void run() {             final servicetype type = new servicetype();             type.setname(event.gettype());             groups.add(type);             collections.sort(groups);             details.put(event.gettype(), new arraylist<serviceinfo>());             madapter.notifydatasetchanged();          }       });    }     /**     * delegate method mdns when subtype discovered.     */    public void subtypeforservicetypeadded(serviceevent event) {       log.i(tag, string.format("zeroconf subtypeforservicetypeadded(event=\n%s\n)", event.tostring()));    }     /**     * when scan complete show message if no services found.     * <p>     * @param context applicationcontext     */    public static void scanfinished(context context) {       if (groups.size() == 0) {          final servicetype type = new servicetype();          type.setname(context.getresources().getstring(r.string.msg_noservices));          groups.add(type);          madapter.notifydatasetchanged();          stopscan();       }    }     /**     * expandablelistadapter displays service types groups , when each service type expanded displays     * list of discovered services service type.     */    public class dnsexpandablelistadapter extends baseexpandablelistadapter {        layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(getapplicationcontext());        public object getchild(int groupposition, int childposition) {          try {             iterator<arraylist<serviceinfo>> = details.values().iterator();             int = 0;             while (it.hasnext()) {                arraylist<serviceinfo> type =;                if (i == groupposition) {                   serviceinfo service = type.get(childposition);                   serviceinfo resolvedservice = jmdns.getserviceinfo(service.gettype(), service.getname());                   if (resolvedservice != null) {                      service = resolvedservice;                   }                   stringbuffer buf = new stringbuffer();                   buf.append("<b>");                   buf.append(service.getname());                   buf.append("</b><br/>");                   buf.append(service.gettypewithsubtype());                   buf.append("<br/>");                   buf.append(service.getserver());                   buf.append(':');                   buf.append(service.getport());                   buf.append("<br/>");                   buf.append(service.getinetaddresses()[0]);                   buf.append("<br/>");                   (enumeration<string> names = service.getpropertynames(); names.hasmoreelements();) {                      buf.append("<br/>");                      string prop = names.nextelement();                      buf.append("<b>");                      buf.append(prop);                      buf.append("</b>");                      buf.append(" = ");                      buf.append("<i>");                      buf.append(service.getpropertystring(prop));                      buf.append("</i>");                   }                   return buf.tostring();                }                i++;             }          } catch (exception e) {             log.w("exception", e);          }           return "not available";       }        public long getchildid(int groupposition, int childposition) {          return childposition;       }        public int getchildrencount(int groupposition) {          iterator<arraylist<serviceinfo>> = details.values().iterator();          int = 0;          while (it.hasnext()) {             arraylist<serviceinfo> type =;             if (i == groupposition) {                return type.size();             }             i++;          }          return 1;       }        public view getchildview(int groupposition, int childposition, boolean islastchild, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {          convertview = this.inflater.inflate(r.layout.child_row, parent, false);          ((textview) convertview.findviewbyid(, childposition).tostring()));          return convertview;       }        public object getgroup(int groupposition) {          return groups.get(groupposition);       }        public int getgroupcount() {          return groups.size();       }        public long getgroupid(int groupposition) {          return groupposition;       }        public view getgroupview(int groupposition, boolean isexpanded, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {          convertview = this.inflater.inflate(r.layout.group_row, parent, false);          servicetype type = (servicetype) getgroup(groupposition);          imageview imageview = (imageview) convertview.findviewbyid(;          imageview.setimageresource(type.getimageicon());          ((textview) convertview.findviewbyid(;          return convertview;       }        public boolean ischildselectable(int groupposition, int childposition) {          return true;       }        public boolean hasstableids() {          return true;       }    }  } 


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