twitter bootstrap - Knockout conditional binding -

ok, i've been been building spa application, , looking have different layout depending on whether site viewed on phone or laptop.

if using bootstrap, provides conditional hiding/showing of css classes, , while works nicely does, doesn't work when layout changes beyond point. alternative layout, wind needing put 2 sets of divs on 1 page, use conditional javascript code wipe out inner html of target div. prevents charts being populated parts of page never seen.

    var setviewscape = function () {     var l = $(".positiondetails").length;     if (l == 0) {         settimeout(function() {             setviewscape();         }, 10);     } else {         if (window.innerwidth <= 899) {             $(".landscape").html("");             $(".phonescape").css("visibility", "visible");         } else {             $(".phonescape").html("");             $(".landscape").css("visibility", "visible");         }     } }; 

so far good, except when observe happening on page knockout, second set of knockout tags still being bound to. tried adding ko conditional bind controls intending show:

<div id="content" class="main">     <div class="row landscape">         <!--ko if: $(window.innerwidth > 899) -->         <div class="col-8 col-lg-8">             <!--ko compose: {view: 'positions/list'} --><!--/ko-->         </div>         <div class="col-lg-4 col-4 " >              <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/summarygraph'} --><!--/ko-->             <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/membersummary'} --><!--/ko-->             <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/membercalendar'} --><!--/ko-->             <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/membertwitter'} --><!--/ko-->             <div data-bind="visible: advert() != null && advert().length > 0" id="advert"  class="img-rounded container-fluid" style="min-width: 120px; min-height: 680px; height: inherit; margin-bottom: 30px; background-color:whitesmoke ">                 <h4>advert</h4>             </div>         </div>     <!--/ko-->     </div>     <div  class="row phonescape" style="padding-left: 15px; padding-top: 15px;">     <!--ko if: $(window.innerwidth <= 899) -->         <div class="col-sm-12">             <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/membersummary'} --><!--/ko-->             <!--ko compose: {view: 'shared/sagasummarygraph'} --><!--/ko-->             <!--ko compose: {view: 'positions/list'} --><!--/ko-->          </div>     <!--/ko-->     </div> </div> 

but when observe debug info see ["binding", "views/positions/list", ko.bindingcontext] ["binding", "views/positions/list", ko.bindingcontext]

["binding", "views/shared/membersummary", ko.bindingcontext] ["binding", "views/shared/membersummary", ko.bindingcontext]

["binding", "views/shared/summarygraph", ko.bindingcontext] ["binding", "views/shared/summarygraph", ko.bindingcontext]

i has got performance hit.

what i'm trying bind either 'phonescape' or 'landscape' mode , remove must performance hit. idea how this?

recently, used observable extension extension updates observable based on whether media query hit or not. define observable like:

this.large = ko.observable().matchmedia("(min-width: 800px)"); 

then, can bind areas of page against "large" ( if: large) prevent areas being bound don't want.

the code bit naive in supports min/max width queries against px based measurements in older browsers.

here using:

//small extension update observable based on media query (function() {     var self = ko.observable.fn.matchmedia = function(query) {         self["matchmedia" in window ? "syncwithmatchmedia" : "syncwithresize"](this, query);         return this;     };      self.syncwithmatchmedia = function(observable, mediaquery) {         var query = window.matchmedia(mediaquery);          observable(query.matches);          query.addlistener(function(query) {             observable(query.matches);         });     };      self.syncwithresize = function(observable, mediaquery) {         var pieces = mediaquery.split(":"),             ismax = pieces[0].indexof("max") > -1,             value = pieces[1].replace(")", "").replace("px",""), //just works px             currentwidth;          var matcher = function() {             var width = document.outerwidth || document.body.clientwidth;              //see if changed             if (width !== currentwidth) {                 currentwidth = width;                 observable(ismax ? value > width : value < width);             }         }          matcher();          ko.utils.registereventhandler(window, "resize", matcher);     }; })(); 

it falls use resize event, if matchmedia api not supported browser.

here sample:


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