curl - Thinktecture IdentityModel getting session token -

the way session token using thinktecture identitymodel getting , error "response status code not indicate success: 404 (not found)." when using browser following code.

var credentials = new networkcredential("admin", "password"); var handler = new httpclienthandler { credentials = credentials }; var client = new httpclient(handler) {baseaddress = new uri("")};  var response = await client.getasync("api/token"); response.ensuresuccessstatuscode(); // throw on error code. var accountinformationjson = await response.content.readasstringasync(); 

however when try using curl curl --user admin:password --get

i seem getting session json fine { "access_token": "hfsdhfhfjhdfhds8f9jsdhr9843hrf.shf789qy34rjhf9awyfw8ehf.....", "expires_in": 36000.0 }

any ideas why happen?

i had call session token.


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