c# - Search for an Array or List in a List -


list<byte> lbyte  


byte[] searchbytes 

how can search lbyte not single byte index of searchbytes?

int32 index = lbyte.firstindexof(searchbytes); 

here brute force came with.
not performance looking for.

public static int32 listindexofarray(list<byte> lb, byte[] sbs) {     if (sbs == null) return -1;     if (sbs.length == 0) return -1;     if (sbs.length > 8) return -1;     if (sbs.length == 1) return lb.firstordefault(x => x == sbs[0]);     int32 sbslen = sbs.length;     int32 sbscurmatch = 0;     (int = 0; < lb.count; i++)     {         if (lb[i] == sbs[sbscurmatch])         {             sbscurmatch++;             if (sbscurmatch == sbslen)             {                 //int index = lb.findindex(e => sbs.all(f => f.equals(e)));  // fails find match                 indexofarray = - sbslen + 1;                 return;             }         }         else          {             sbscurmatch = 0;         }     }     return -1; } 

you may find boyer-moore algorithm useful here. convert list array , search. algorithm code taken this post.

static int simpleboyermooresearch(byte[] haystack, byte[] needle) {     int[] lookup = new int[256];     (int = 0; < lookup.length; i++) { lookup[i] = needle.length; }      (int = 0; < needle.length; i++)     {         lookup[needle[i]] = needle.length - - 1;     }      int index = needle.length - 1;     var lastbyte = needle.last();     while (index < haystack.length)     {         var checkbyte = haystack[index];         if (haystack[index] == lastbyte)         {             bool found = true;             (int j = needle.length - 2; j >= 0; j--)             {                 if (haystack[index - needle.length + j + 1] != needle[j])                 {                     found = false;                     break;                 }             }              if (found)                 return index - needle.length + 1;             else                 index++;         }         else         {             index += lookup[checkbyte];         }     }     return -1; } 

you can search this. if lbyte remain constant after time, can convert array once , pass that.

//index returned, or -1 if 'searchbytes' not found int startindex = simpleboyermooresearch(lbyte.toarray(), searchbytes); 

update based on comment. here's ilist implementation means arrays , lists (and else implements ilist can passed)

 static int simpleboyermooresearch(ilist<byte> haystack, ilist<byte> needle)  {     int[] lookup = new int[256];     (int = 0; < lookup.length; i++) { lookup[i] = needle.count; }      (int = 0; < needle.count; i++)     {         lookup[needle[i]] = needle.count - - 1;     }      int index = needle.count - 1;     var lastbyte = needle[index];     while (index < haystack.count)     {         var checkbyte = haystack[index];         if (haystack[index] == lastbyte)         {             bool found = true;             (int j = needle.count - 2; j >= 0; j--)             {                 if (haystack[index - needle.count + j + 1] != needle[j])                 {                     found = false;                     break;                 }             }              if (found)                 return index - needle.count + 1;             else                 index++;         }         else         {             index += lookup[checkbyte];         }     }     return -1; } 

since arrays , lists implement ilist, there's no conversion necessary when calling in case.

int startindex = simpleboyermooresearch(lbyte, searchbytes); 


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